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Definition of hybrid learning

Definition of hybrid learning

At UW–Madison, hybrid courses are instructor-designed and supervised environments that use face-to-face and technology-mediated channels to enhance interactive, engaging learning experiences and improve student learning outcomes. These courses should have one or more of the following pedagogical characteristics:

  • a shift from teacher-centered instruction to student-centered learning;
  • significant interactions between student-instructor, student-student, and/or student-content; and/or
  • integrate formative and summative assessments for students and instructors.

On this campus, courses have three technology-mediation designations:

  • technology-enhanced: Less than 30% of the course includes technology-mediated learning activities.
  • blended: 30-99% of the course contains technology-mediated learning activities.
  • online: 100% of the course contains technology-mediated learning activities. – Blended Learning Fellowship Program

UW-Madison Policy on Modes of Instruction

A component of a course section’s format that indicates where course section meetings occur, e.g., in-person, online, etc. All modes of instruction use a range of pedagogical methods, e.g., blended, flipped, etc. which are not indicated in the Student Information System (SIS) or in Course Search and Enroll. For purposes of this policy, instruction in any mode: 1) adheres to UW-1011 The Credit Hour, and 2) involves regular and substantive interaction between students and the instructor.SCOPE:

  • In-Person
    • Overview: In-person course sections occur when the delivery of course content takes place in person, generally in a UW-Madison owned/leased facility. Course sections that meet occasionally (e.g., one or two meetings in a 16-week course) off-campus for experiential education or in an online format are classified under the in-person mode of instruction.
  • Hybrid
    • Overview: Effective Spring 2021, hybrid course sections occur when the delivery of course content takes place during an intentionally designed regular pattern of in-person and online instructional meetings where at least 25%, but no more than 75%, of the course sections are delivered via distance education. Online course sections that meet only for in-person exams are not permitted and are therefore not classified under the hybrid mode of instruction.
    • Pre-Spring 2021, Online/Some Classroom: Prior to spring 2021, the definition of hybrid required that 75% or more of the course section be delivered via distance education, with at least one class session (including exams) on campus.
  • Remote
    • Overview: Remote course sections occur when the delivery of course content and exams take place exclusively via distance education in response to a semester-long disruption of in-person or hybrid instruction, e.g., pandemic. All course activities occur via distance education through Canvas, the university’s centrally supported learning management system. Course activities may be synchronous or asynchronous. Regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor(s) is required. Online course sections that meet only for in-person exams are not permitted and are therefore not classified under the remote mode of instruction.
  • Online
    • Overview: Online course sections occur when the delivery of course content and exams take place exclusively via distance education and are specifically designed and predetermined to do so on an ongoing basis. All course activities occur via distance education through Canvas, the university’s centrally supported learning management system. Course activities may be synchronous or asynchronous. Regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor(s) is required. Online course sections that meet only for in-person exams are not permitted and are therefore not classified under the online mode of instruction.

(See full document)

Keywordshybrid, blended, learning, instruction, definitionDoc ID121220
OwnerTimmo D.GroupInstructional Resources
Created2022-09-09 13:45:23Updated2024-08-23 15:32:26
SitesCenter for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
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