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Support student's time management

Assign a study calendar

Learning is more effective when students engage regularly with course material rather than cramming intensely before a test or major assignment. Encourage students to plan their regular study times by asking them to create and submit a Study (or Learning) Calendar. A Study Calendar asks, “Where will you find the time you need for this course?"

In a typical semester, classroom meeting times are an anchor by which students naturally arrange their time and effort. Introducing an increasing number of asynchronous components can make it challenging for students to manage their participation effectively. This learning calendar exercise intends to engage students in proactive planning for a successful semester. Consider offering this as an orientation activity to support students within a sometimes challenging remote learning environment.

By providing a template, you can encourage practice to help your students plan their time for all their courses. This is not typically a graded assignment (though extra credit may be given), and it is usually not necessary to review or offer feedback on how they complete the calendar. Note that other instructors may also set this assignment, so be open to accepting a calendar that they have prepared for another class, which may not follow your template.

Sample Learning Calendar Assignment

Where will you find the time you need for this course?

Before beginning this course, you should create a one-week learning calendar.

Identify and reserve time for reading and reviewing course notes, completing problem sets, completing group work, and studying for exams. To help you do this, consider how you use your time during the week, including coursework, job commitments, and study time. Ensure you are realistic about when you will need social and personal time!

Other considerations

  • How does your role as a learner fit with your other roles?
  • What are the time requirements for your multiple roles (such as learning, work, leisure, and health)?
  • How will your role as a learner affect the time you have available for other activities and interests?
  • Do you need to alter your other roles to fulfill your learning role? If so, in what ways?
  • What additional challenges do you anticipate as you reflect on your role as a learner?

Task: Create Your Calendar

To help you complete your calendar, we have provided an example and a template that you can use. If you have already completed a Learning Calendar by yourself or for another class, you can add your information for this course and submit that instead. (shared by L&S Teaching and Learning Administration)

Additional Resources

Keywordsonline, teaching,Doc ID123153
OwnerKaren S.GroupInstructional Resources
Created2022-12-20 21:22:33Updated2024-08-23 15:50:40
SitesCenter for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
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