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Recording Course Video in Zoom
Directions for recording a course session in Zoom
Instructional Challenge
During instruction, students may feel they lack a social connection with you. You can create videos using a straightforward tool you may already use in your course. You can record short lecture content, stories, and interviews and upload them to your Canvas course.
Changing Recording Settings
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You must enable recording in your Zoom account by following these steps:
- Log into the Zoom portal (
- Select My Account | Settings | Recording.
- Slide Local recording to the right to enable the feature.
Recording Content
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- Launch the Zoom client on your computer.
- In the Zoom window, select New Meeting. If prompted, select Join With Computer Audio.
- When you are ready to record, click the Record button at the bottom of the Zoom Meeting window.
- Continue to begin the recording.
- When ready to stop, click the Stop Recording button.
- The recording will not be available until the end of the meeting. Select End and End Meeting for All.
Locating Recording
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- In the Zoom client window, select the Meetings menu.
- Select the Recorded tab.
- You should see the recording you have made.
- Select Open on the recording you want to access.
- You will see a folder associated with your recording. Inside, you should see a file ending with the .mp4 extension. Drag this file to your desktop.
Uploading Video
- Enter your Canvas course.
- Select the Account button, then, select Kaltura My Media.
- Select Add New | Media Upload.
- Select the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
- Select the Choose a file to upload button. Navigate to the desktop and select your video file.
- Provide a name for the clip you will recognize when you embed the video into your Canvas course.
- You do not need to configure other settings if you publish content in Canvas. Just select the Save button at the bottom of the window.
Publishing Video for Student View
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There are several ways to make content available. Regardless of which tool you select, the process is the same once you are presented with an editor to enter content. Two different editors are available to you: traditional and RCE (Rich Content Editor) Enhancement editor. Follow these steps to determine which editor you have enabled:
- Select Settings in the course navigation. Select Feature Options. If RCE Enhancements has an X next to it, you are using the traditional editor. If there is a check next to it, you use the RCE Enhancements editor. To enable the new RCE Enhancement editor, click the button to the right of the feature to turn it on.
- In the editor window, place your cursor where you want to embed the video. It is recommended that you provide some introductory information before the video to give students some context for the video.
- Using the traditional editor, you will see a blue chevron icon in the toolbar labeled More External Tools when you roll over it.
- Using the RCE Enhancements editor, you will see a plug icon in the toolbar labeled Apps when you roll over it.
- Select Embed Kaltura Media.
- Locate the video you uploaded before.
- Click on the Gear icon to the left of the Embed button.
- Select the Download player to allow students to download the video to their computer. This will help students with low-bandwidth connections.
- Select the Max Embed size (ex. 590 x 375).
- Click </>Embed.
- Save and/or Save/Publish, depending on the Canvas tool you are using.