Writing :: Writing
Resources for engaging students in writing activities


The following are activities that engage students in developing skills in writing, editing, and collaborating with other students in ways that help them apply course concepts in higher-level ways. For additional resources on integrating writing activities into your course, Visit the Writing Center's Teaching Resources.

Results: 1-8 of 8

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
2Student-Defined Questions in Large Courses (online)1047962024-04-242749
3Collaborative Writing1186212024-04-161509
4Student-Defined Questions1040922024-04-165605
5Student-Defined Questions (ALC)1184702024-04-161380
6Dialogue Journals1198532024-04-161758
7Paper Seminar1198542024-04-161341
8Peer Editing1198552024-04-162214

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