Course Refinement :: Course Refinement
Measuring course effectiveness and reflecting on teaching

Course Refinement

Engaging in the refinement of course activities helps instructors foster meaningful and impactful learning experiences. These activities encompass a spectrum of endeavors, from gathering feedback and reflecting on teaching methodologies to integrating innovative resources and refining curriculum design. By actively participating in course improvement initiatives, educators demonstrate a dedication to continuous growth and adaptation, ensuring their teaching remains relevant, effective, and responsive to the diverse needs of learners. Furthermore, embracing such practices fosters a culture of excellence, collaboration, and innovation within educational institutions, ultimately empowering educators to inspire, engage, and empower their students more effectively.


Results: 1-19 of 19

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1How to evaluate a hybrid course1212012024-08-233198
2Informed Design Process1268182024-08-23707
3Course Evaluation1130512024-08-231025
4Are my students viewing my videos1287932024-09-13479
5Creating Google Forms to Solicit Student Reflections1042512024-08-233679
6Course Self-Review1368612024-08-23526
7Are my students understanding the content within my videos1287942024-08-23208
8Classroom Observation1372292024-08-23726
9Are students watching my videos?1287552024-08-231130
10Observation Protocol for Supportive Classroom Environment1307012024-08-231364
11Collecting evidence of course success1211982024-08-232540
12Course evaluation scorecard1212002024-08-231907
13Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)1198622024-08-231248
14Student Perceptions of Learning and Teaching Questionaire1291622024-08-23450
15Using data to review impact of inclusive active learning practices1286232024-08-23945
16How do I know whether my students read the content I assigned?1222852024-08-231252
17Developing a Course Evaluation Plan1134362024-08-235062
18Gathering peer feedback1211992024-08-232032
19Gathering Feedback from Students1037622024-08-235257

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