No. | Document Title | ID | Updated | Views |
1 | How to evaluate a hybrid course | 121201 | 2024-08-23 | 3202 |
2 | Course Evaluation | 113051 | 2024-08-23 | 1029 |
3 | Creating Google Forms to Solicit Student Reflections | 104251 | 2024-08-23 | 3688 |
4 | Gathering Feedback from Students | 103762 | 2024-08-23 | 5264 |
5 | Gathering peer feedback | 121199 | 2024-08-23 | 2035 |
6 | Developing a Course Evaluation Plan | 113436 | 2024-08-23 | 5070 |
7 | Student Perceptions of Learning and Teaching Questionaire | 129162 | 2024-08-23 | 452 |
8 | Course evaluation scorecard | 121200 | 2024-08-23 | 1910 |
9 | Collecting evidence of course success | 121198 | 2024-08-23 | 2542 |
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