Canvas :: Technology Integration | Canvas

Support resources that leverage Canvas tools in instruction.

Technology Integration | Canvas

The documents listed below leverage Canvas in specific ways supporting classroom or online teaching efforts. They are not meant to provide general or exhaustive documentation on the tools and applications leveraged during instruction. Campus service providers of these applications continue to manage and maintain general support documentation.

For general Canvas support docs, go to the Learn@UW KB site.

Results: 1-11 of 11

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Group Curation Activity in Canvas1062732024-08-233489
2Managing Groups in Canvas for Large Courses1036602024-08-232832
3Managing Large Course Sections in Canvas1036622024-08-233074
4Adding Video to Kaltura Gallery Using Canvas Teacher Mobile App (Android)1069762024-08-232828
5Using NameCoach in the Classroom1164722024-08-233986
6Adding Video to Canvas Discussions Using Canvas Teacher Mobile App (iOS)1068742024-08-232291
7Adding Video to Comments in Canvas SpeedGrader1068782024-08-232781
8Adding Video To Canvas Announcements Using Canvas Teacher Mobile App (iOS)1068572024-08-233279
9Using Canvas Quizzes to Create an Anonymous Survey1038822024-08-2313044
10Technology Integration | Canvas1036122024-08-231880
11Canvas - Pronoun Use in Canvas - Overview [UW-Madison]1080692024-08-2319205

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