Topics Map > Academic Year Planning > Course page

Course page - Mark a course for removal from timetable

A guide on how to remove a course for a certain term, and how to verify its removal in both Academic Year Planning and Timetable Planning.

To open a Course page, you must have Curriculum Management permissions, which can be set by your IPT administrator.

In this guide

Mark course for removal

On the Course page, first confirm that you have selected the correct academic term from the Term dropdown. 

Top section of Course page, with red highlights around the Term dropdown and the checkbox that reads "remove this course from the timetable for this term"

To mark the course for removal, select the checkbox that reads: “Checking this box indicates a decision to remove this course from the timetable for this term. Any information entered except Course number and Course section will be deleted.”

Note: Selecting the checkbox will remove the course for the selected term only. 

Upon selecting the checkbox, the second and third sections of the page will disappear. You may enter a note in the Comments field to provide any helpful details to other department administrators.

Select “Save” at the bottom of the page to remove the course. All planning data for this course will be deleted. 

Verify course removal in Academic Year Planning

To verify the course has been removed, go to the Academic Year Planning page and select the correct academic term from the dropdown. 

Use Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F) to search and find the course number you’re looking for. It will still be listed in the planning table, but in the Instructor column, it should say “Marked for removal.”

Course listed on Academic Year Planning page says "Marked for Removal" in instructor column

Verify course removal in Timetable Planning

To verify the course has been removed from the timetable, go to the Timetable Planning page and select the correct academic term from the dropdown. 

Using the scroll bar at the bottom of the page, scroll all the way to the right. The removed course should be listed in the column labeled “Not Offered This Term.” 

Timetable Planning page scrolled all the way to the right. "Not Offered This Term" column has one course listed in it

Need more help?

For more general help with the Course page, refer to Course page - Overview.

ipt, instructional planning tool, course page, course edit page, edit course, course removal, course, remove course, delete course, timetable, timetable planning, academic year planning, mark course for removal 
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Daniella P. in Instructional Planning Tool Reference
Instructional Planning Tool Reference