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Admin Tools - Create and manage program subgroups

A guide on how to create program subgroups, such as part time and full time. You must be an IPT administrator to create and manage subgroups.

In this guide

Create a program subgroup

  1. Select “Admin Tools” from the IPT navigation menu on the left. 

  2. On the Admin Tools landing page, select “Manage Group.”
    Admin Tools page with "Manage Group" link highlighted in red

  3. The second table on the page will list any program subgroups that are currently used in IPT. If you are using a new instance of IPT, this table will be blank.
    Manage Group page with Subgroups table shown in full

  4. To add a new subgroup, go to the final row of the table. In the blank text field, enter your subgroup name. 
    Manage Group page, Subgroups table, with final row shown. Text entry field in first column and "Add" button in third column are highlighted in red

  5. Select “Add” on the right to save the new subgroup to the IPT subgroups list. 

  6. Repeat the process for any other subgroups you want to add.

One example of subgroups that may be useful to create are Full-Time Program (FTP) and Part-Time Program (PTP), if applicable to your department’s programs and course offerings. 

Set a default subgroup

To make the Course page easier for IPT users to fill out, set a default subgroup. This will be the subgroup that is automatically selected for a course when a course planning page is created in IPT. 

Manage Group page, Subgroups table, with "Default" checkbox selected in first row for FTP subgroup (full time program)

For example, when FTP (full-time program) has been set as the default subgroup, it is automatically selected and shown in the dropdown on the Course page.

Top of Course page is shown, with "FTP" selected in dropdown for Program field

Can you delete a subgroup?

You can delete a subgroup, but only if there are no courses that are currently associated with that subgroup. 

To begin the process of deleting a subgroup, select “View Assigned Courses” on the right and confirm that you no longer need these courses to be distinguished by subgroup. Then, select “Go Back” to return to the Manage Group page in Admin Tools. 

Manage Group page, Subgroups table, with "View Assigned Courses" button highlighted in red

If the subgroup has been set as the default subgroup, you will need to deselect the “Default” checkbox and select “Update.”

Manage Group page, Subgroups table, with "Default" checkbox not selected and the "Update" button highlighted in red on the right

Then, select “Remove from Courses” to extract the subgroup from all courses that are currently associated with it. 

Manage Group page, Subgroups table, with "Remove from Courses" button on right highlighted in red

Once you’ve extracted the subgroup from the associated courses, select “Delete” to delete the subgroup from the IPT system.

Subgroups table with "Delete" button on right highlighted in red

Need more help?

For more information on what you can do as an IPT administrator, refer to Admin Tools - Overview

ipt, instructional planning tool, admin tools, administrator, department admin, manage group, group, groups, course, program, program subgroups, create program subgroups, subgroups, program groups, manage subgroups, manage program subgroups, part time, full time, part time program, full time program, PTP, FTP 
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Daniella P. in Instructional Planning Tool Reference
Instructional Planning Tool Reference