Achievement Test
Test designed to evaluate mastery of a given body of material. Grades are generally based on achievement tests. The SAT (Stanford Achievement Tests) is an example of an achievement test. See also Aptitude Test
Against the grain
at right angles to direction of paper grain. Opposite of paper grain direction
A pungent gas. Ammonia is extensively used to manufacture fertilizers and nitrogen containing compounds. Also, ammonia is the end-product of protein degradation by ruminal bacteria.
Approved with Administrative Hold
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in the Approved with Administrative Hold state have been reviewed and approved by the IRB; however, additional administrative documentation is required before final approval is granted (e.g. submission of a Certificate of Confidentiality).
This is a state in ARROW. Once an application is in the archived state, no other activities with that application are possible, other
than copy/paste of text. Studies in the archived state can not be re-opened.
(see minerals)
A KB user who may edit documents. Authors may or may not be able to publish documents and all follow their KB Group's agreed upon document workflow.
Documents are scanned in batches which are placed into the batches view of Perceptive Content. Once in the batches view, the batches undergo processing which includes separation into individual documents and quality assurance.
Blue-Collar Multi-Shift
University Staff titles that are in pay schedule 03 (e.g., custodian, food service assistant, food retail/catering leader and food production assistant) and in multiple-shift environments (e.g., first shift, second shift and third shift).
Business Insight
A tool integrated into the Imaging Service that can be used to run reports against data; often used to check user/group permissions.
Any of a group of chemical compounds, including sugars, starches, and cellulose, containing only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with a ratio of hydrogen to oxygen of 2:1.
A polymer - long chain- of glucose units. Cellulose is the most abundant organic matter in the world. It is a major component of plant cell wall. Ruminant can use cellulose as an energy source because of fermentation by bacteria in the rumen.
Certify Not Human Subjects Research
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the IRB staff reviewer to certify that an application does not constitute human subjects research. This activity occurs in the Pre-review state.
Glumes, husk, or other seed coverings, together with the plant parts, separated from seeds in threshing or processing.
The chief executive of UW–Madison.
Changes Requested - Scientific Review
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have undergone scientific review and changes were requested by the scientific review committee. In this state, the study team can either 1) respond to the committee request so that it returns to the Awaiting Scientific Review state for additional review, or 2) withdraw the application.
CHEW (to)
To crush or grind (food) in the mouth by continued action of the teeth with the help of the tongue (syn to masticate).
Copy Reportable Event to Other Study
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to copy a reportable event application to another study. For example, if a reportable event affects several studies open by the PI, the PI only needs to fill out the RE application one time and then copy it to the other affected studies.
Count Sheep
Midnight test. Lamb. Some text here.
Cover weight
heavier-weight (thicker/more-rigid) paper consisting of various grades
Critical Thinking
The art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it (Foundation for Critical Thinking).
Cronbach alpha
Cronbach's alpha is a measure used to assess the reliability, or internal consistency, of a set of scale or test items. In other words, the reliability of any given measurement refers to the extent to which it is a consistent measure of a concept, and Cronbach's alpha is one way of measuring the strength of that consistency. See more here: Virginia stat Consulting or here (Wikipedia).
Pathologically excessive evacuation of watery feces. Diarrhea may be due to an infectious agent (bacterial infection) or a dietary imbalance.
Employee of the Board of Regents
All employees of UW–Madison (including University Staff). Prior to July 1 2015, classified employees were under the provisions of Wis. Stat. Chapter 230 and were still limited to the $12,000 statutory cap.
Membranous tissue, usually in a single layer, composed of closely arranged cells separated by very little intercellular substance. The epithelium forms the lining of the respiratory, intestinal, and urinary tracts and the outer surface of the body.
Exchange ActiveSync Protocol
Exchange ActiveSync (also known as EAS) is a communications protocol designed for the synchronization of email, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes from a messaging server to a smartphone or other mobile devices. The protocol also provides mobile device management and policy controls.
Exchange Protocol
A service -- similar to IMAP, POP3, and ActiveSync -- that works to transfer and synchronize email/calendar information between the server and the end user's client.
FERMENTATION (in the rumen)
The transformation of carbohydrates in absence of oxygen by rumen micro flora that produces volatile fatty acids such as acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid, and gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).
Hemicellulose and cellulose that can be quantify by the neutral detergent fiber procedure.
Flush cut
cut to the edge
Forward to Archive
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the IRB to move a study to the archived state.
A sweet sugar occurring in many fruits and honey.
FTE (Full Time Equivalent) and Headcount
There are two basic ways that we count the number of employees. When we use headcount, each individual person counts as one employee whether their appointment is full time or part time. When we use "FTE," we are using the "Full Time Equivalent."
The Full Time Equivalent is the total of all positions using the percentage of the appointment rather than the number of individual employees. This is what the headcount looks like for the same employees using each measure:
Employee A - .5 appointment
Employee B - 1.0 appointment
Employee C - .6 appointment
Employee D - .4 appointment
Using Headcount, there are 4 employees
Using FTE, there are 2.5 employees (.5 + 1 + .6 + .4 = 2.5)
Gloss finish
shiny, reflective, smooth finish on paper or laminate
A six carbon sugar which is the building block of starch and cellulose. Glucose is rapidly fermented into volatile fatty acids by ruminal bacteria.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Any of the atmospheric gases, both natural and anthropogenic, that contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation produced by solar warming of the Earth's surface. Water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) are the primary greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse Gas Effect
Heat trapping effect of greenhouse gases in the troposphere (lowest portion of the earth's atmosphere)
Paid bi-weekly for hours worked per pay period in calendar year.
converting a continuous tone to dots for printing
A sun-dried forage. A method of preserving forage by cutting the plant and letting it dry in the sun.
right reading sheets with head on top, that, when duplexed, heads run together on front and back of sheet. The back sheet is right-side up
right reading sheets with head on top, that, when duplexed, heads run opposite on front and back of sheet. The back sheet is upside down
A period of 9 to 24 hours preceding the ovulation during which cows are receptive to bulls and exhibit a typical behavior of mounting other cows or standing when mounted by other cows (or a bull).
Relating to or considered in terms of pleasant (or unpleasant) sensations.
A young female cow that has not yet given birth to a calf.
A type of carbohydrate similar to cellulose except that it contain not only glucose but also other 6 carbon sugars and also 5 carbon sugars.
An iron rich protein found in the red blood cells which function as a carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves. Techniques, activities or lessons that allow someone to discover something for himself or by finding solutions through experiments or loosely defined rules.
head-to-head (see head-to-head definition)
reoccurring unplanned spots that appear in the printed image from dust, lint, dried ink
Hide/Show Errors
The Hide/Show Errors link appears at the top of each application form. This link checks the submission for any required questions that are not answered.
the lightest areas in a picture or halftone
Hiring Administrator
A person who is responsible for ensuring the recruitment, assessment and selection process for a particular vacancy is completed in accordance with established policies. A supervisor, unit human resource (HR) representative, or designee may serve as the hiring administrator and delegate different aspects of the search process. The hiring administrator continues to be responsible for the process, regardless of delegation.
Hiring Manager
The supervisor for a particular vacancy who has the authority to make the final hiring decision. The hiring manager works closely with the hiring administrator to complete all aspects of the search process in accordance with established policies.
Hold for Scheduling: Ancillary Committee Review Pending
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state cannot be scheduled for an IRB meeting until the Ancillary Committee Review decision has been entered into the system.
Hold IRB Review - Continuing Review Required
This is a state in ARROW. In this state, change applications are being held until a continuing review application has been submitted by the study team and reviewed by the IRB.
Hold IRB Review - Submission of Reportable Event Pending
This is a state in ARROW. In this state, continuing and change applications are being held until a reportable event has been submitted by the study team. Once the reportable event has been submitted, the continuing or change will transition back to the pre-review state.
Hours Worked
All time during which an employee is required or permitted to work, or to wait for work, when the employee is unable to use the working or waiting time effectively for his or her own purpose.
head-to-toe (see head-to-toe definition)
Outer covering of grain or other seed, especially when dry (syn: husk).
Human Subjects Research
For information on human subjects research, please see the Institutional Review Board's website.
A strong desire for food.
Outer envelop, usually green, of fruits and seeds, as around an ear of corn (syn hull).
Strong acid secreted by the abomasum that breaks down chemical bounds and thus contributes to the digestion of feeds.
Decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with water.
IRB Withdrawn
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have been withdrawn by the IRB due to lack of response to an IRB request for modifications or deferral response.
Light (Modified) Duty
When an employee’s doctor or treating specialist has identified work restrictions, the university may offer the employee light or modified duty work. Light or modified duty work is defined as less physically demanding duties until the employee has reached end of healing, or is able to return to their previous position with or without restrictions
Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
Matte finish
dull paper, ink, or laminate finish
MFA-Duo (multi-factor authentication)
Multi-factor authentication is part of the new UW–Madison login process that verifies your identity. It combines something you know (your NetID and password) with something you have (smartphone, token/fob or tablet) preventing anyone but you from logging into a system. UW-Madison has partnered with Duo to provide this service.
You will now need to log in by:
Entering your NetID and password, and
Confirming your login with the Duo app on your device.
New Full Change
This is an activity available to study teams for all studies in the Approved state. This allows study teams to initiate a new change of protocol.
Carbohydrates that are not part of the neutral detergent fiber, but generally accumulate in the plant as energy reserve (e.g., starch). These carbohydrates usually are more rapidly and more completely digested than the fibrous carbohydrates (syn Non-structural carbohydrate).
(see non-fiber carbohydrate).
OHR refers to the Campus Office of Human Resources
Outlook on the web
Microsoft's service for accessing your Microsoft 365 account via web browser. Log into Outlook on the web.
Pantone Matching System
(PMS) Industry standard for ink mixing
A measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Values range from 0 (most acid) to 14 (most basic), with neutrality at pH 7.
PHENOLIC (compound)
Organic substance in which the carbon atoms are linked together in a ring structure (also called aromatic structure). Lignin is an example of phenolic compound.
The process by which the chlorophyll of plants converts carbon dioxide and water into simple sugars with the simultaneous release of oxygen.
To free from coarseness; to refine.
typically 44 hole (on 11" sheet of paper) on the binding-edge of a sheet of paper, created by punching the paper using a die that punches out the holes
Research (Applied)
Study directed toward gaining (scientific) knowledge to meet a recognized need
Research (Basic)
Study directed toward gaining (scientific) knowledge primarily for its own sake
A type of bacteria that live in association with the roots of legume plants and make the nitrogen of the air available to the plants.
A root-like usually horizontal stem growing under or along the ground that sends out roots from its lower surfaces and leaves or shoots from its upper surface.
Right-Angle fold
two folds at right angles to each other
Send On Behalf Of
In Office 365, this permission allows a delegate to use this mailbox to send messages. However, after this permission is assigned to a delegate, the From address in any message sent by the delegate indicates that the message was sent by the delegate on behalf of the mailbox owner.
SharePoint is a web application framework and platform which integrates intranet, content management, and document management. You can use it as a secure place to store, organize, share, and access information from almost any device. Learn more.
SharePoint Designer
Microsoft SharePoint Designer is a specialized HTML editor and web design freeware for creating or modifying Microsoft SharePoint sites, workflows and web pages.
to use a separate plate for front and back printing, using the same gripper and guide for both sides of the sheet
Shop Supervisor
Position that supervises Crafts Workers.
A ring-like muscle that maintains constriction of a bodily passage or orifice and opens upon relaxation.
Carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots, an stem pith of plants notably in corn, potatoes, wheat and rice. Warm season grasses (C4 plants) store starch in chloroplasts in leaf tissue. C4 grasses such as Bermuda Paspalum or Rhodes grasses grown under heat stress may contain considerable starch in leafy tissue. Nutritionally, it is referred to as non-structural carbohydrate as opposed to the carbohydrate found in the neutral detergent fiber of the plant.
Stereotype Threat
The term refers to being at risk [given a specific set of contextual circumstances] of confirming a negative stereotype about one's social group as a self-characteristic [i.e., a personal trait]. For example, Let's say that you find yourself in a situation in which you realize that someone may have a steretotype about you [because of you physical appearance, gender or any other general characteristic of social group] and there is a part of you that is afraid that your [about to be undertaking] action and behavior will prove to that person that the stereotype is true. The concept was first introduced in seminal publication of Steele and Arsonson (1995) (see also ResearchGate link).
Stitch is a staple added to a printed packet or book, commonly in the upper left corner or along the left side of a booklet.
(see Fibrous carbohydrate).
Stunted growth
Stunted growth also known as stunting and nutritional stunting, is a reduced growth rate in human development, characterized by a low height for one's age. It is a primary manifestation of malnutrition (or more precisely undernutrition) and recurrent infections, such as diarrhea and helminthiasis, in early childhood and even before birth, due to malnutrition during fetal development brought on by a malnourished mother. An estimated 162 million children under 5 years of age, or 25%, were stunted in 2012 (Source: Wikipedia).
Submit Administrative Hold Response
After a study has been approved with an administrative hold, study teams must resolve the conditions of this hold; this is done by submitting a response.
Submit Changes
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to submit changes requested by the scientific review committee.
System Thinking
A set of synergistic analytic skills used to improve the capability of identifying and understanding systems, predicting their behaviors, and devising modifications to them in order to produce desired effects (Arnold and Wade, 2015)
Text weight
lighter-weight (thinner/pliable) paper consisting of various grades
A two-lobed gland located in the throat and secreting the hormone thyroxin, which regulates the iodine metabolism in the body.
A nitrogen-containing organic compound found in urine and other body fluids. Urea is synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide. Urea can be used as fertilizer or as a source of nitrogen in the ration of ruminants.
clear ink-like substance that is applied to printed surfaces for appearance and protection
The liquid fraction that remains after the separation of curd in cheese making. Its main food use is in the preparation of whey cheese, whey drinks and fermented whey drinks. The main industrial uses are in the manufacture of lactose, whey paste and dried whey.
With the grain
folding or feeding paper into the press or folder parallel to the grain of paper
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to withdraw a submission from the initial review process. This activity moves the submission to the Withdrawn state at which time the PI or POC can make a copy of the application, send it back to Pre-Submission or archive it.
Withdraw Change
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to withdraw a submitted change from the review process. This activity moves the submission to the Withdrawn state at which time the PI or POC can send the submission back to Pre-Submission or archive it.
Withdraw Continuing Review
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to withdraw a submitted continuing review from the review process. This activity moves the submission to the Withdrawn state at which time the PI or POC can send the submission back to Pre-Submission or archive it.
Withdraw Reportable Event
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to withdraw a submitted continuing review from the review process. This activity moves the submission to the Withdrawn state at which time the PI or POC can send the submission back to Pre-Submission.
This is a state in ARROW. Submissions in this state have been withdrawn by the PI or POC. Submissions in this state can be sent back to Pre-Submission or Archived by the PI or POC.