WiscVPN - Connecting to the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Mac)

This document describes how to connect to the WiscVPN Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN client on a Mac computer. Palo Alto GlobalProtect supports Mac 32/64 bit Operating Systems.

Connecting with the Palo Alto GlobalProtect client

  1. Open the GlobalProtect client by selecting the icon at the top of your screen. (If it does not automatically appear at the top of your screen, access the client through your Finder's Applications folder.) If it is your first time connecting, you will be prompted to enter a portal address. The default portal is uwmadison.vpn.wisc.edu. If you have used GlobalProtect before, you will be connected to the portal you last used. This can be changed by opening the settings menu on the top right of the client login screen.

    Not connected Mac

  2. Enter your username (NetID) and password (NetID password) and click Sign In

    Note: If you are using a static VPN, add the appropriate number to the end of your NetID before signing in (e.g. bbadger_1, ._2, ._3). Most users will only have a dynamic VPN. For more information on static VPNs, please see WiscVPN - Static IP Addresses.

    Sign in screen with blanks for username and password
  3. You will be prompted with Duo as shown below. Enter the passcode from your fob/Duo Mobile app or enter "1" to receive a push on your mobile device.
    MFA Duo password
  4. Once you're signed in, the window should say "Connected". Once connected, the settings menu can still be accessed via the top right button. To change which portal you are connected to, please disconnect and select the desired portal from the dropdown list (or add a new one by clicking Manage Portals).

    Connected successfully
If the portal address and your login credentials were entered correctly but the client will not connect or is experiencing errors, please see WiscVPN - Troubleshooting the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (MacOS).

vpn global protect palo alto cisco portal connect 
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