WiscVPN - Disconnecting from the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (iOS)

This document explains how to disconnect from the iOS Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client

Disconnecting From Palo Alto GlobalProtect

Below are instructions for disconnecting GlobalProtect:

  1. While in the app, if the VPN is connected, a green shield should be in the middle of the screen. It should say "CONNECTED. TAP TO DISCONNECT."

    Successful connection screen
  2. To disconnect, tap the green shield.

    tap to disconnect button
  3. If disconnection was successful, the shield and the rest of the screen should now be gray.

    Successful disconnection screen

Note: The VPN connection will disconnect automatically every 24 hours. However, the connection via the VPN should not be interrupted by locking or making the device sleep.

paloalto palo alto "palo alto" ios disconnect wiscvpn globalprotect 
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