KB Do's and Don'ts

Within this document I will unlock the powerful secrets of knowledgebase document design, some tips and tricks to improve engagement with your intended audience, as well as some pitfalls to watch out for throughout your process.
  • Jump Two
  • What is the purpose?

    • Provide your users with a means of supporting themselves
    • Provide guidance to your intended audience in relation to policies and procedures
      • Onboarding & Offboarding
      • Support existing or new processes
    • Sharing and storing institutional (program, project, departmental) knowledge

    The purpose of the KB article itself is to provide instruction, information, guidance, or support to your intended audience. An important first step is to know what your audience / users need - similar to a website, remember this content is not “for you,” but rather those you want to consume it.

    What is a "good" KB document?

    This is all subjective, but hey - I have opinions. Some of this seems pretty obvious but I like to make sure a good point doesn't go without overstatement.

    The Do's

    • Be knowledgeable
    • Be clear
    • Be accurate
    • Be engaging
    • Be accessible

    The Don'ts

    • Make excessively long documents
      • Scannable
      • Searchable
      • Logical
    • Ignore review reminders and expiration notices
    • Use all caps for your text and content

    Some additional thoughts

    • Proofread your content
    • Make use of in-page navigation
    • Don't overuse "IncludeDoc" option vs. "LinkDoc" option
      • IncludeDoc is great for reusable content
      • Consider SeeAlso section for linking to additional resources
    • Consider changing up search results formatting
    • Consider using some HTML / styles to add some...."pop"...to your content
      • Be careful with this
        • It's sometimes hard to support custom styling
        • Custom styling can lead to some accessibility concerns
      • Don't use HTML / CSS in your summary field!

    Let's tinker

    Pastry donut sugar plum donut sesame snaps tootsie roll bonbon icing marzipan. Wafer biscuit donut pie pudding gummi bears oat cake. Soufflé danish bear claw sesame snaps tootsie roll dragée gummi bears dragée danish. Chocolate jelly beans pastry cookie cake jelly-o. Bear claw caramels jelly marshmallow lollipop bonbon candy canes. Chocolate cake candy canes topping jujubes. Danish bear claw soufflé pie apple pie brownie cake. Tart wafer muffin sesame snaps fruitcake. Marzipan toffee pudding pie gingerbread pudding tiramisu macaroon. Gummies wafer jelly-o gingerbread jelly-o bonbon toffee. Cupcake chocolate cake dragée jelly-o shortbread candy. Oat cake marshmallow pie biscuit candy icing cheesecake chocolate cookie. Dragée marzipan oat cake jelly beans marzipan halvah fruitcake lemon drops.

    Illustration of an armored grizzly bear running and roaring

    Apple pie cake jelly bear claw sweet roll biscuit gingerbread danish tart. Donut muffin biscuit powder cookie oat cake carrot cake. Caramels candy gummies jelly-o macaroon dragée. Cake candy canes brownie gummi bears chocolate bar carrot cake danish pudding candy canes. Tiramisu toffee sesame snaps pudding gummi bears. Marzipan danish sesame snaps gingerbread jelly carrot cake. Lemon drops gummies chupa chups liquorice cake. Ice cream pie halvah cheesecake jujubes lemon drops. Gummies marzipan jelly beans donut apple pie cake jelly beans lemon drops toffee. Cheesecake croissant bear claw brownie apple pie bear claw dessert. Muffin croissant donut jelly tootsie roll tiramisu pie biscuit marshmallow. Lollipop halvah chocolate cake ice cream cookie. Cookie lemon drops dessert tootsie roll cheesecake jelly-o chocolate cake muffin. Ice cream marshmallow dessert fruitcake topping wafer.

    Carrot cake gummies chocolate bar tiramisu tiramisu. Tiramisu sweet halvah lemon drops gummies chupa chups lemon drops. Candy canes gummies carrot cake liquorice danish ice cream gingerbread ice cream sweet. Muffin candy canes shortbread cookie apple pie cheesecake marzipan pudding. Marzipan caramels pudding tart danish lemon drops jujubes. Tiramisu gummies dragée gummies powder cookie wafer apple pie. Donut lollipop carrot cake jelly beans danish biscuit cake caramels. Biscuit bonbon sugar plum wafer tootsie roll shortbread cookie pastry. Jelly jujubes pastry shortbread tart liquorice bonbon candy canes. Caramels gummies lollipop chupa chups apple pie marshmallow wafer donut sweet roll. Oat cake chupa chups muffin bonbon cookie dessert chocolate cake fruitcake muffin. Tiramisu fruitcake croissant cake cake candy chupa chups. Pastry jujubes croissant toffee cake cake cookie. Icing halvah jujubes biscuit powder cheesecake.

    Cake croissant toffee danish jelly jujubes topping. Chupa chups chocolate cake tart croissant candy canes pie. Oat cake bonbon lollipop chocolate bar jelly sweet roll ice cream. Lollipop chocolate bar liquorice pastry croissant. Biscuit gummies chocolate bar chocolate bar brownie powder tootsie roll. Apple pie cupcake sweet roll apple pie lemon drops croissant chocolate bonbon. Ice cream sweet gingerbread powder sesame snaps soufflé. Wafer lollipop chocolate bar croissant lollipop liquorice. Cake candy canes marshmallow dessert brownie dragée danish. Soufflé pudding liquorice cake pudding tiramisu. Tart biscuit cake caramels wafer topping. Candy canes shortbread bear claw powder gummies danish.

    Cake danish chocolate chocolate bar sweet roll. Tootsie roll donut cake wafer toffee brownie muffin candy canes cheesecake. Chocolate cake fruitcake apple pie liquorice pie soufflé danish macaroon cake. Lollipop toffee chocolate cake pie halvah jelly beans. Jelly-o sesame snaps pastry cake muffin. Cupcake cake cupcake sugar plum chupa chups tootsie roll. Cookie cheesecake sesame snaps carrot cake liquorice. Halvah donut sugar plum sweet roll tiramisu. Biscuit jujubes jelly beans ice cream pie chocolate chocolate cake lollipop cookie. Liquorice cookie sesame snaps carrot cake liquorice. Carrot cake tart dragée muffin toffee cake oat cake halvah. Soufflé dragée jujubes sugar plum sweet liquorice carrot cake sesame snaps. Sweet roll chupa chups dessert oat cake shortbread donut.

    guide, suggestions, help, guidelines, process, technique 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Matt G. in KB Training Site
    * The KnowledgeBase Training Site