LastPass - Should I Use LastPass Enterprise or LastPass Premium?
Intended Use of LastPass Enterprise
LastPass Enterprise is intended for the storage, management, and sharing of work-related credentials with other faculty, staff, and student-employees across your various teams, business units, and projects. Work-related credentials are those used solely for accessing University or third-party systems to conduct university business.
Any faculty, staff member, and/or student-employee can sign up for LastPass Enterprise with their email address through their Wisc Account Admin page.
Advantages of Using LastPass Enterprise
Supported by DoIT and LogMeIn.
Allows for secure sharing of credentials with colleagues.
It can be linked with your free LastPass Premium account for simultaneous access to your work-related and personal credentials.
Allows unlimited secure sharing (via Shared Folders) for/between faculty, staff, and student-employees.
Intended Use of LastPass Premium
LastPass Premium is intended for the storage, management, and sharing of personal credentials with other trusted personal LastPass accounts. Personal credentials can include passwords, documents, and secrets, such as financial, social media, and personal email accounts, as well as those used at the University for student purposes.
Any person with a UW-Madison Office365 email address can sign up for LastPass Premium using a personal email address through the UW-Madison Premium Partner Link.
Advantages of using LastPass Premium
Supported by LogMeIn High Priority Support.
Securely manage all your regularly used passwords in one place.
Autofill for websites and payment forms.
Emergency access can be enabled for a spouse or family member.
Completely separate from a LastPass Enterprise account, but they can be linked for ease of use.
Allows secure sharing with up to 30 users (including students).
Which One Should You Use?
One of the goals of the Office of Cybersecurity is to improve people’s password practices around campus. Any properly vetted and used password manager can help accomplish this goal.
With that in mind, we encourage users to consider their own individual needs when determining, which LastPass account is right for them. However, the general guideline is for faculty, staff, and student-employees to use LastPass Enterprise for work and LastPass Premium for everything else.
If you’re a student or you’re concerned that you do not have enough of a business use case to warrant using LastPass Enterprise, then consider using LastPass Premium. Just be mindful of its limitations for sharing passwords and secrets with your UW-Madison team members.
If you’re unsure, try both. Both are free to use, both secure your important credentials and information, and both provide you with inbuilt tools to improve the strength and uniqueness of your credentials.
Common Questions/Concerns?
If I Use LastPass Enterprise, will LogMeIn or UW-Madison Administrators have Access to My Stored Credentials?
No. Your credentials will only be visible/accessible to you and anyone you voluntarily share them with.
If I Link My LastPass Premium Account to My LastPass Enterprise Account, Will UW-Madison have Control Over My Personal Credentials?
No. Even while linked, your LastPass Premium account is a separate entity. Your Premium account is not part of the Enterprise instance and cannot be administered or supported by the University.
What if I Store My Credentials in the Wrong LastPass Account?
If you’ve linked your LastPass Enterprise account to your LastPass Premium account, LastPass Enterprise has a policy enabled to help sort saved credentials into the correct Vault. However, if necessary, you can delete the credential and manually enter it in the correct Vault, or you can export and import your passwords between vaults.
Please Note: Exporting passwords from your LastPass Enterprise Vault is restricted by policy. Please contact the DoIt Help Desk to request temporary permission to export.
What Happens When I Leave the University?
LastPass Premium
When you leave the University your LastPass Premium account will be unlinked from your LastPass Enterprise account. Any credentials or secrets stored in your LastPass Premium account will remain accessible to you.
LastPass Enterprise
When you leave the University, you will receive email reminders that your LastPass Enterprise account will be disabled. It is recommended that you ensure you move any personal credentials from your LastPass Enterprise account to your LastPass Premium account before it is disabled. Once it is disabled, you will no longer be able to access the credentials stored within your LastPass Enterprise Vault.
Related KB Articles.
What’s the Difference Between LastPass Enterprise, LastPass Premium, and LastPass Free Accounts?
Opting-in and Activating Your LastPass Enterprise Account
What if I Already Have a LastPass Account?
How Do I Link/Unlink my LastPass Premium/LastPass Free Account?