StratComm Self-Service: Logo Library
Nelson Institute Logos
The official Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies logo should be included on any distributed communications, marketing, or promotional materials, whether they're destined for an on- or off-campus audience.
Logos are available as PDFs (print) and PNGs (digital) in full color, black and white, and reversed; left flush and centered.
When applying the logo, be sure to follow the university's logo usage guidelines, particularly the cobranding guidelines for items including partner logos.
Center and Program Logos
Using the official W crest departmental logo establishes a clear, credible, and universally recognizable connection to UW–Madison and the Nelson Institute. Please include your unit's W crest logo on all communications and marketing materials, whether they're destined for an on- or off-campus audience.
Logos are available as PDFs (print) and PNGs (digital) in full color, black and white, and reversed; left flush and centered.
Per the UW–Madison brand guidelines, the following units and groups are required to include W crest logos on materials:
- Academic department or program
- Campus office or service center
- Institutional unit
- Center, think tank, and institute
- Administrative services unit
When applying your logo, be sure to follow the university's logo usage guidelines.
Nelson Institute Program Logos
The Nelson Institute is home to a variety of programs and events with unique logos.
Contact us at with questions or suggestions.