Topics Map > Production-ready

LCS - Before setting your application live

Steps a developer should take in coordination with their Org Admin prior to changing an application live for the first time in Betty Blocks.

Test the application in Sandbox (UAT/DEV) 

  1. Follow the Testing section as outlined in LCS - Best Practices for the Software Development Lifecycle(SDLC) in Betty Blocks
    1. Developers should test their applications in a DEV environment, and work with their stakeholders to complete UAT.
  2. Developers will need to provide the completed test plan and documentation to the LCS service team (see Inform the LCS Service Team below).

Confirm that SMTP is set-up and being used correctly 

  1. See LCS - Email set-up within an application for instructions on emailing from your Betty Blocks application.
  2. Enter a support ticket to the LCS Service Team (see Inform the LCS Service Team below) if the SMTP credentials are not entered in the configurations.

Confirm that SSO is being used properly and data is secure

  1. Review the LCS - Best Security Practices and ensure that you are meeting the Minimum Security Requirements. 
  2. Ensure you are not exposing data publicly that shouldn’t be exposed. See the Terms of Service.
  3. Ensure your pages in Betty Blocks are secured properly per role(s).
  4. Ensure Manifest groups are set-up per the standards found in LCS - Configuration of Manifest groups for application role mapping

Review your application for accessibility

  1. Review the Betty Blocks Accessibility and Usability Information KB to ensure you have an understanding of potential barriers to accessibility.
    1. Review the Digital accessibility @ UW-Madison webpage for additional information on the Digital Accessibility Policy
  2. Run an accessibility check on your application using the recommended WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool.

Configure Hostname, DNS and SSL certificate on the DNS

  1. See LCS - Add a custom hostname in Betty Blocks and LCS - Request and setup a SSL certificate for setting up instructions.
    1. Please note: Betty blocks requires a minimum of 14 days to complete the certificate initiation, so plan this into your schedule.
  2. If you configure these on your own, without the LCS service team's assistance, please take screenshots and send them to the LCS service team via the support ticket mentioned in the Inform the LCS Service Team section below.

Prepare and document your application for Production

  1. Remove unused elements from your build. Recommended to do this in a sandbox first to see/fix possible errors.
  2. Rename all important data and buttons
  3. Provide descriptions in Data Models
  4. Provide descriptions in Actions
  5. Use Settings data model for static data models that want to move exact data to Prod that was loaded in your Sandbox environment for specific data models.
  6. Create documentation for other developers
  7. Create documentation for end/application users and per role if multiple roles are utilized in the application
  8. Determine which end/application users should be in which Manifest groups/roles.
  9. Determine how you want to roll the application out and how you want to communicate to the end/application users how to log-in and what they will see once they log-in.
  10. Provide access to this documentation for your Org Admin.

Contact your Org Admin

  1. Once the steps above have been completed reach out to your Org Admin to notify them that you are preparing to launch your application and work with them to begin filling out the Pre-launch Checklist. (see LCS - Utilizing the Pre-Launch Checklist
    1. Provide them with the documentation indicated in the steps above.

Inform the LCS Service Team

  1. Work with your Org Admin to submit a support ticket via the Low Code Solutions interest form. Select Support for the application I am building. This will create a WiscIT ticket for the service team to track. 
    1. Attach a copy of the completed test plans with your support request.
    2. Attach screenshots of the hostname, DNS and SSL certificate on the DNS if configured yourself.
  2. The LCS Service Team will then review your application as outlined in the Pre-launch Checklist

Determine the application's criticality to the unit's mission 

  1. Work with your Org Admin to determine the criticality of this application to the mission of your unit.
  2. UW's Betty Blocks platform is stored in a private cloud, managed by Betty Blocks. Therefore, back-up is an obligation of Betty Blocks as well as up-time. In the unanticipated event that the application can't be reached, document how the application users will be made aware the situation and what downtime procedures/manual workaround processes they should follow until the application becomes available. 
    1. Make this documentation available to your Org Admin.

Determine who is handling the application’s support 

  1. Per the Terms of Service, the Application Manager/Developer is responsible for supporting the users and data of the application. Determine how that support will happen and how communication between support and the application users will occur. 
    1. Make this documentation available to your Org Admin.
  2. Work with your Org Admin to update the IT inventory, add the support email and person that the LCS service team should direct someone to if the application user contacts the LCS service team instead. 

Org Admin makes application live in Production

  1. After the Pre-launch Checklist and above steps have been completed your Org Admin will make the application live in Production.

Smoke test in Production

  1. Before providing the URL to application users, perform a smoke test on the primary user stories to ensure everything is working in Production as expected.

Update the LCS Service Team and notify application users

  1. After smoke testing has been completed work with your Org Admin to update the LCS Service Team that the application is live in Production.
  2. Notify application users that the application is live and provide them with any necessary documentation to get started.

Prod, go-live, testing 
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Owned by:
Jeanne H. in Low Code Solutions
DoIT Enterprise Business Systems - Low Code Solutions