Topics Map > Page Builder

LCS - Advanced Interactions

Interaction is one of the ways in Betty Blocks where a user can dynamically change the content on the pages in their application. This document demonstrates when and how to use some of the advanced interactions in Betty Blocks.


Users should review and understand the Basic Interactions prior to utilizing this document.

Check/Uncheck Interaction

The example covered in these steps below shows how to use the Check and Uncheck interactions to place or remove a checkbox on a field on a form.

Steps for using the Check/Uncheck Interaction:

  1. Create a check box field on the form.

    Create a checkbox field on the form.

  2. Highlight the whole form by clicking the Parent component icon (the up arrow in the form frame).Highlight the entire form by clicking the parent component icon.

    Highlight the whole form by clicking the Parent component icon.

  3. Click on the Interactions tab.

    Click on the Interactions tab.

  4. Click Create new interaction. Our example is to have a check/uncheck on the ‘Is new account’ field whenever we click the field.

    Click Create new interaction

  5. Select "Click."

    Select "Click."

  6. Click on the "Select Component Function" arrow to see selections available.
  7. Select the "Check/Uncheck" option.

    Select the "Check/Uncheck" option from the list of component functions.

  8. Click the "Select Target Component" arrow to select an option.

    Click the "Select Target Component" arrow to select an option.

  9. Select Checkbox input.

    Select Checkbox input.

  10. Click Save.

    Click Save.

  11. Test your new interaction by compiling your page.

    11.	Test your new interaction by compiling your page.

  12. Below is an enlarged view focusing on the checkbox field to test. Click anywhere on that field.

    Below is an enlarged view focusing on the checkbox field to test.

    Clicking anywhere on the field or the highlighted field will place a Check mark on the check box or remove the check mark on the check box if the checkbox is already marked.

    Clicking anywhere on the field will place a check mark in the checkbox or remove the check mark if already checked.

Redirect Interaction

A redirect interaction allows users to be redirected to a different page other than the current page that the user is on. Users can be redirected from one page to another page on action success. An example is where a user has created two pages: "Project overview" and "Create New Project" pages. A user can use the redirect interaction to redirect users to the Project overview page when a new Project is successfully created.

Steps to use the Redirect interaction:

  1. Click the Select Parent Component record icon to select the whole form.

    Click the Select Parent Component record icon to select the whole form.

  2. Click on the Interaction tab.

    Click on the Interaction tab.

  3. Click Create new interaction.

    Click Create new interaction.

  4. Click “More” button.

    Click the "More" button.

  5. Click the drop-down arrow on Select event field.

    Click the drop-down arrow on Select event field.

  6. Select “onActionSuccess” from the list.

    Select "onActionSuccess" from the list.

  7. Click the drop-down arrow on Select Component Function.

    Click the drop-down arrow on Select Component Function.

  8. Scroll down and select “redirect”.

    Scroll down and select "redirect."

  9. Click the “Select a page” button to select the page where you want users to be redirected to.

    Click the "Select a page" button to select the page where you'd like to redirect users.

  10. Our example is to redirect users to the Project overview page. Select “Project overview” from the list and click the "Select page" button.

    Select "Project overview."

    Select the "Projects overview" page and click the Select page button.

  11. Note that the "Redirect to" now reflects the Projects overview. Click Save.

    Click the "Save" button.

  12. Click the Compile icon to move your changes to the front end.

    Click the Compile icon to move your changes to the front end.

    You will be taken to the front end (user view) of the application.

    On complile, the front end/user view will display.

    Complete the form and click “Send” and on “onActionSuccess” (meaning if there is no error on the form),

    Complete the form and click the "Send" button. 

    you will be taken to the Project Overview page as shown on the screenshot below:

    If the form contained no errors, you will be taken to the Project overview form.

Set Current Record Interaction

Users can use the “set current record” interaction to pass data from one page component to another. When Users do not want to overload their application with unnecessary actions, users can use the set current record interaction to delete projects from the “Project overview” page.

Steps to use the Set Current Record interaction:

  1. Ensure that the project overview page contains a data table with a list of projects as shown on the screenshot below.

    1.	Ensure that the project overview page contains a data table with a list of projects as shown on the screenshot below.

  2. Add an action button to enable users to delete each project separately. Reference: guide to creating a delete button. The screenshot below shows an action button named “Delete project” created.

    2.	Add an action button to enable users to delete each project separately.

  3. Add a “dialog” component anywhere outside the table and add a data container to the dialog window. You will delete the existing “submit” button on the dialog window and replace it with an action button that will hold the delete functionality. Note: choose “project id” in pass value to action option. Refer to this video showing how to complete this step.

    The example below shows the new action button added after deleting the existing submit button is named “Project delete 2”.

    Dialog with the button Project Delete 2 added.

  4. Select the “Project Delete 2” button and click the edit pencil icon to add a delete functionality to this action button on the dialog window using these directions.

    Select the "Project Delete 2" button and click the edit pencil icon.

    Below is a screenshot of the configured “Project Delete 2” action button.

    Below is a screenshot of the configured “Project Delete 2” action button.

    Note: Rename your action and update the permissions to allow users to utilize the action. Example allow admin and web user as shown in the screenshot below:

    Update permissions to allow use of the action.

  5. Click anywhere on the page and select “visible in builder” to make the dialog invisible.

    Select "visible in builder" to make the dialog invisible.

  6. Click on the “Delete Project” button created in step 2. This button should also have the delete functionality configured along with renaming the action name to your choosing. The action permissions should be set to allow web user and admin to utilize it. Below is a screenshot of the Delete Project button's action configured with permissions set to allow web user and admin.

    The Delete Project button's action is configured with permissions set to allow web user and admin.

  7. Select the “Delete Project” button and click on the Interactions tab.

    Select the "Delete Project" button and click on the interactions tab.

  8. Click the Create new interaction button. 

    Click the Create new interaction button.

  9. Select “Click”, select “Show” on Select Component Function, and Select “Dialog” on Select Target Component as shown on the screenshot below and click Save.

    Select "Click," select "Show" on Select Component Function, and select "Dialog" on Select Target Component as shown below, and click Save.

  10. Click “Create new interaction” to configure the set current record interaction.

    Click "Create new interaction" to configure the set current record interaction.

  11. Select "Click," select “setCurrentRecord” on Select Component Function, and Click on the model icon.

    Select "Click," select "setCurrentRecord" on Select Component Function, and click on the Model icon.

  12. Scroll to locate “Project Id” and select it.

    Scroll to locate "Project Id" and select it.

  13. Select “DataContainer” on the Select Output Component field, select “Current. Record” on the Select Output Option field and click Save.

    Note: If you named your DataContainer a different name, select that name from the drop-down options in the Select Output Component field. Refer to screenshot shown below.

    Select "DataContainer" on the Select Output Component field, select "Current.Record" on the Select Output Option field, and click Save.

    The Set current record interaction is ready to be used.

    Note: To make your application have a better user experience, we recommend adding two more interactions when using this set current record example listed above:
    1. “On action success” – Hide the Dialog.
    2. “On action success” – Refetch – Data table

     Below are screenshots of what the two recommended interactions should look like:

    onActionSuccess the form will refetch the data table.

    onActionSuccess hides the dialog.

Steps to test the Current Set Record interaction:

  1. Click the “Compile” icon shown on the screenshot below to move all changes to the front end.

    Click the "compile" icon to move your changes to the front end/user interface.

    Below is an example of the screenshot displayed to user after clicking the compile icon.

    After clicking the Compile button, the Project overview page will display.

  2. Pick any row and click the “Delete Project” button.

    Pick any row and click the "Delete Project" button.

    The third row was selected on the screenshot above.

    User will observe a dialog immediately appear and the third-row record will be deleted immediately.Also, because the Hide Dialog and Refetch data table interactions are added in this scenario for better user experience, user will be shown an updated data table with the first two rows untouched. Below is the screenshot of the result.

    This is the view after clicking Delete Project on the third record, "Test set current record interaction." Note that the table has updated to reflect deletion.

Keywordscheck, redirect, set record, current record,   Doc ID135655
OwnerObyGroupLow Code Solutions
Created2024-02-22 17:15:03Updated2024-09-30 16:15:34
SitesDoIT Enterprise Business Systems - Low Code Solutions
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