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LCS - Advanced Expressions

Expression is a JavaScript code that can do a lot of things such as basic calculations, combine text or input from a user like ‘first name’ and ‘last name’, dynamically create file names, convert different types of data to match user’s need, automate date and times. Expression is a powerful tool to utilize while building in Betty Blocks. Expression step is in the Betty Blocks’ Block Store and the syntax of an expression is very important. Double curly brackets indicate that we are dealing with a ‘variable’ thus “{{}}” which means it is a data that can change. Without these curly brackets, the expression doesn’t know where to retrieve the data from. This document will guide a user on how to use some of Betty Block’s Advance Expressions when generating a PDF file or sending emails. The following Advance expressions are covered in this document:

Loop through collection with results

We are using actions flow to demonstrate how to loop through a collection with result and how to loop through a collection without result. We will be showing the result of each in the application log. 

Below are the steps for using the advanced expression to loop through a collection: 

  1. Begin by clicking ‘Start’ on the action flow as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of action flow

  2. Create an action variable by clicking ‘Add” under the Action variables tab.

    image of action variables tab

  3. Select ‘Collection’ under variable kinds, name your variable, and select a model as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of variable and model

    NOTE: In this example on the screenshot above, we have selected a ‘Task ‘model which holds several tasks already created in it so user must ensure that the model they select has items in the model to be able to loop through it. 

  4. Click Save.

    image of edit variable save button

  5. Drag an expression step into the action flow and rename the expression step to your choosing. In the screenshot below, the expression step is named ‘Loop with results. 

    image of expression step in action flow

  6. Click ‘Loop with results’ expression step to open the expression window to fill in values under the Options tab as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of loop with results options

    NOTE: The syntax to retrieve the result of the collection with results must be in quotes. In the screenshot above, we are using "<ul>{{#tasks_collection}} <li>{{description}}</li>{{/tasks_collection}}</ul>".  

    The ‘<ul>’ is an HTML tag for unordered list, the ‘<li>’ is also an HTML tag for list items while ‘description’ in the syntax is one of the fields in the ‘Task’ model selected. So, this expression syntax is stating that the system will loop through the ‘tasks_collection’ and list out the description of each task.

  7. Click ‘Add’ to create a variable. In the screenshot below, we created a variable and entered ‘tasks_collection’ as the Key. 

    NOTE: The ‘KEY’ is very important. The value of your key will be used in the expression syntax because it is the collection that you are using (meaning the array). In the screenshot below, we named the key ‘tasks_collection’ and we selected the action variable created in step 3

    image of created variable and key

  8. Enter a name for RESULT and leave as ‘Text’ as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of naming result

  9. Add a Log Message to the action flow to see what the loop with result as shown in the screenshot below looks like when the system has successfully processed the action step. 

    NOTE: We have renamed the log message to ‘Log Loop with results.

    image of adding log message

  10. Click the Log Loop with results step and select ‘Debug’ in the Severity field under the Options tab and click Add as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of log loop results step

  11. Enter in a KEY (name of your choosing), click the “(X)” icon and select the ‘tasks_list’ variable created in step 6 as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of variable selection

  12. Click Save.

    image of save button

  13. You can test your expression by returning to the project create task, compile the page, create a task, and open the application Log to view the result. 

    image of create project

    Click on Tools icon located at the bottom left-hand corner of the application as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of tools button

    image of log

    Below is the enlarged screenshot of the Log Message. 

    image of log message

    NOTE: The Task model has 2 tasks with description names ‘test’ and ‘Is it running?’. 

Loop through collection without results

  1. Follow the same steps listed in the Loop through collection with results with the exception to create the action variable in step 2 and enter an id which doesn’t exist in your application or selecting a collection without items in it. Below is a screenshot of the action variable created for the Loop without results.

    image of action variable created for loop without results

    NOTE: We entered an ID that doesn’t exist to show the loop through without results. 

  2. Click Save.

    image of edit variable screen

    image of loop without results variable selection

  3. In Step 6, Select the ‘no_task’ action variable created for the loop without result expression. This is the empty collection.

    image of no task action variable selection

    NOTE: The syntax for the Loop without result expression is shown below. The “^” indicates that if it doesn’t exist or if the collection is empty, then it writes the ‘Sorry, no task to list!’ message to user. 

    "<ul>{{#tasks_collection}}<li>{{description}}</li>{{/tasks_collection}}</ul>{{^tasks_collection}}Sorry, no tasks to list!{{/tasks_collection}}"

    image of syntax for loop without result expression

  4. Click Save.

  5. Below are the screenshots examples for the Loop without results. 

    image of loop without results example

  6. After adding a Log message for the Loop without results, below is an example screenshot of what the Log message should contain.

    image of log message example

  7. Click Save and Below is the completed action flow in the screenshot.

    image of completed action flow

  8. Test your expression by returning to the project create task, compile the page, create a task, and open the application Log to view the result. 

    image of application log result view

    NOTE: Below is the enlarged view of the Log Message.

    image of log message

Date Formatting

We are using an action flow to demonstrate how to use the Betty Block’s Advanced expression to format a date, and we will utilize the Application Log to view the result. Below are the Steps to create the date formatting expression: 

  1. Drag an expression step to the action flow and rename the step to a name of your choosing. We named the expression step ‘Date Formatting’ as shown in the screenshot.

    image of action flow

  2. Enter in the Syntax “new Date().toISOString().substring(0,10)” in the Expression field under the Options tab. 

    image of expression field

  3. Click the RESULT field and enter in a name and leave as text as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of result field

  4. Click Save.

  5. Add a Log message to view the result of the date format as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of log message

  6. Click on the Log Date Formatting step and fill in the information under the Options tab as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of options tab

  7. Click Save.

  8. Return to the Project create page, compile the page, create a new task to test the date format, and open the application Log to view the result. Below is a screenshot of the result. 

    image of application log result

    Enlarged view of the Log message is shown below.

    image of log message

    NOTE: The syntax entered in the expression step is to format today’s day to display "2024-03-16".  

Another example to get the United States’ month day and year date format, enter the Date formatting expression as shown in the screenshot below. 

image of date formatting expression

Click Save.

To test the new date formatting expression, compile the project create page, create new task, and open the application Log to view the result. 

Below is a screenshot of the result. 

image of application log

Here is the enlarged view of the Log message result below. 

image of log message

NOTE: The value in the Expression field can be any JavaScript date format code. 

HTML escaped value and HTML unescaped value

A use case to demonstrate the HTML Escaped value will be a case where a person’s name contains an ‘ampersand’ which is denoted by symbol ‘&’. In a scenario where a user is working with an email or a pdf, a user can use the Betty Block expression to show an ampersand which will be the “HTML Escaped value”. To demonstrate the steps of accomplishing this in Betty Blocks, we are using an action step and the Application Log to show how the HTML escaped value and HTML unescaped value expressions work.


  1. Go into an action step. The example used here is a ‘Project create form’. 

    image of action step

  2. Click on the ‘Start Input & Action variables’ to create action variables. 

    image of start input & action variable

  3. Click on ‘Add’ and select ‘Text’ in the variable kinds. Enter a name and value for the newly created variable. An example is shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of edit variable
    NOTE: The value has the ampersand symbol ‘&’. 

  4. Click Save.
  5. Create a second action variable as shown in the screenshot below.

    image of action variable

  6. Drag an expression into the action on the canvas and rename your expression step as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of expression step

  7. Click on the ‘HTML escaped value’ expression step to fill in the ‘Options’ tab as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of options tab
    NOTE: The syntax in the Expression field is very important. There must be two curly brackets (enclosed in double-quotes to signify a text variable) holding the variable key for the HTML escaped value to work.

  8. Click Save.
  9. Drag a Log Message step to the action flow as shown on the screenshot below.

    image of log message step in action flow

  10. Rename the Log message to a name of your choosing. Our screenshot shows ‘Log HTML Escaped value Result’ as the Log message name. 
  11. Click the Log HTML escaped value Result and fill in the ‘options’ tab as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of options tab

  12. Click Save.
  13. Drag another expression to the action log and rename your expression step as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of action log

  14. Click on the ‘HTML unescaped value’ expression step to fill in the ‘Options’ tab as shown in the screenshot below. 

    image of options tab

    NOTE: The syntax in the Expression field is very important. There must be three curly brackets (enclosed in double-quotes, because this is a text variable) holding the variable key for the HTML unescaped value to work. 

  15. Click Save.

  16. Drag a Log Message step to the action flow as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of log message step

  17. Click the Log HTML unescaped value Result and fill in the ‘options’ tab as shown on the screenshot below. 

    image of options tab

  18. Click Save. 

    NOTE: The Create Record is the final step on the action flow. We are using the action for when a project is created to test the HTML escaped and unescaped value in the application log. Below is a screenshot of the final action flow. 

    image of final action flow

  19. Ensure that you have selected a model and entered a property along with its value in the create record step. Below is a screenshot of Create Record step where the ‘options’ tab has been filled in and the user has saved this information. 

    image of create record step

  20. You are ready to test the HTML Escaped and Unescaped value. The user can test this by going to the project create page in your application in our example and compiling the page. The user should create a new project and access the application Log by clicking the ‘Tools’ icon located at the left navigation on the page as shown on the screenshot below.

    image of tools icon

  21. Click on Logs as shown on the screenshot below.

    image of logs selection

  22. Verify that the HTML escaped value has the symbol ‘&’ in the name displayed while the HTML unescaped value has the ‘&amp;’ in the name as shown on the screenshot below.

    image of log

Below is an enlarged screenshot for the HTML unescaped value result. 

image of result

Below is an enlarged screenshot for the HTML escaped value result. 

image of value result

NOTE: Betty Blocks expressions documentation can be found here

loop, collection, collections, array, date, format, date form, HTML, escaped, 
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Oby O. in Low Code Solutions
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