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Curriculum Requirements for L&S Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees

The follow section concerns the requirements for L&S undergraduate Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees.

What requirements must I complete in order to earn a BA or BS degree in Letters & Science?

L&S undergraduate students must complete all of the following curriculum requirements in order to earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree:

Resources for Questions: 
L&S Academic Advising Services: (608) 262-5858,
L&S Student Academic Affairs: (608) 262-0617,

KeywordsGER requirements, breadth, mathematics, foreign language, major study liberal arts and science credits, quality of work requirements, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, university general education requirements, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science. L&S undergraduate requirements   Doc ID21895
OwnerTori R.GroupL&S KB
Created2011-12-21 12:13:19Updated2019-12-05 09:31:18
SitesL&S KB
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