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L&S Pre-Award: Training & Resources

This document contains information about College, campus, and national resources on grant administration.


RED: Research Education Development

The management and administration of sponsored programs is complex and must be carried out in compliance with UW policy, federal and state laws, sponsor requirements and award terms and conditions. UW Research Administrators must navigate policies, procedures, and systems in an effort to ensure that sponsored programs are appropriately managed while providing excellent customer service. The courses and resources below will help individuals understand and implement these responsibilities to ensure compliance and protect the university and faculty.

For questions or information related to training opportunities for UW Research Administrators, please contact Melanie Hebl, Education Coordinator in the Research and Sponsored Programs Office 608-890-3068.

Training courses found through this link:

L&S Pre-Award Resources
Departments can request in-house training on a variety of subjects. Past sessions have included such topics as submitting NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) proposals, cost sharing, effort reporting, and general proposal preparation and submission. Contact Kelly Mallon or Sheila Hayden in L&S Pre-Award Services to discuss opportunities and scheduling.

National Resources
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Get email updates from NSF -sign up here.  
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Council of University Research Administrators

ECC RAMP RSP Research Grant Cayuse NSF NIH ARRA Training 
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