Topics Map > Student Academic Policies > Academic Status
Topics Map > Student Academic Policies > Other

Hold on Records - L&S Procedures & Information

The following information is meant for L&S undergraduate students who find they have an hold on their records.

Students will have a hold placed on their records for various reasons (e.g., library fine, mandatory major declaration hold, tuition not paid, registration hold, etc.).  Because there are various types of holds that could be placed on a student's records, you should:

  1. Login to MyUW.
  2. Select the Student Center tile, then the Academic Records tile.
  3. Select the Tasks tile for more information on any holds and fines.
  4. Select hold to see more details and contact information regarding the hold(s).
  5. The Hold Details section should give you the reason for the hold and will also you contact information for the unit that placed the hold.   If you have any questions regarding the hold, please use the contact information to connect with the unit that placed the hold.
If you still have questions regarding your student record hold(s) after viewing your Student Center, please contact your assigned academic advisor for more assistance.  

hold, holds, academic hold, dean's hold, MMD, mandatory major declaration hold, library hold, registration hold, tuition hold, student record hold, fines, library fine 
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Tori R. in L&S KB