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L&S Budget Office Presentation: Fixed-Faculty Funding

This KB is a summary of the short presentation that was given at the Budget Office Virtual Office Hours on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. The focus of the presentation was fixed-faculty funding in relation to 101 budgets and the new faculty budget model on the BSR.

Presentation Overview

  • Beginning in FY23, L&S moved toward the Faculty Budget Model for Department Budgets.

  • Departments can capture savings on the tally sheet when faculty are temporarily off the L&S 101 budget due to:
    • Research buyouts
    • External fellowships
    • Unpaid leaves
    • Academic-year sabbaticals
    • Administrative appointments outside L&S

  • Professorships with 101 salary offsets are permanent savings on the L&S 101 budget as long as the professorships are re-awarded each term.  
    • If the funding distribution is not correct in HRS, it could charge against the 101 faculty salary budget and cost the unit.

  • Non-101 Temporary Base Adjustments (TBAs) do not impact the savings on the Faculty Budget Model BUT if the funding distribution is not correct in HRS it could charge against the 101 faculty salary budget and cost the unit.

  • At the end of the fiscal year, the faculty salary amounts listed on 101 in WISER are compared to the Department’s 101 faculty budget and any year-end surplus (or deficit) on the faculty budget sheet will result in a one-time credit (or charge) to the department’s tally sheet.

  • In order to receive accurate credit for any faculty salary that was approved to be paid off 101, HRS funding needs to be updated correctly so that WISER will reflect those amounts accurately.


End-of-Year Faculty Budget Audit Steps

  1. Review the list of your Department’s faculty with off-101 salary components.

  2. Compare budgeted off-101 salary to amounts in corresponding projects in WISER. Remember, fringes will apply to any non-101 funds.

  3. If funding has not been distributed correctly, HRS funding updates and salary cost transfers may need to be completed to get the funding corrected.

  4. Per the end of year calendar sent out by Business Services, Salary Cost Transfers (SCTs) must be fully approved by June 20, 2023, to guarantee entry into Fiscal Year 2023.
    1. To make sure the L&S Budget Office has time to review and approve any changes, aim to have SCTs submitted by June 12, 2023.
    2. Any changes not made by the deadline could impact the amount credited to the unit.


Useful Tools

  • Funding Layout Assistance Tool (FLOAT)

  • Faculty TBA summary, located in the FY23 Salary Exercise folder in BOX.  

  • BSR and internal documentation for FY23
    • Pay close attention to the individual notes for faculty on the Faculty Notes tab of the BSR.
    • Department Admins- Payroll and Financial staff may not have access to these documents in BOX. BOX access is typically given to Department Admins only so make sure any staff tasked with the year-end 101 faculty budget audit has what they need.

  • Do you know of any useful tools for this project? Please share!


faculty budget model, BSR, fixed-funding, professorships, end-of-year, fiscal year end, EOY, 101 
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Kesha W. in L&S KB