Topics Map > Budget & Finance > Startups & Retentions

Startups & Retentions in L&S

This page contains resources for startups & retentions in L&S.

Contact James Hovland in the L&S Budget Office with questions regarding startups and retentions.

Form: L&S Startups, Retentions, Flex Funding

Link to form: L&S Startups, Retentions, Flex Funding

  • This form is used for new special projects related to startups, retentions and flex funding in L&S Departments & Programs.
  • Responses will be sent by James Hovland in the L&S Budget Office

Form fields: L&S Startups, Retentions, Flex funding

Form Fields
Field Description
Department Name of L&S Department / Program
Project Type
  • Startup
  • Retention
  • Flex
  • Other / Special Project
Other Description

Displayed if Project Type = Other.

Describe the use of the project.

PI Name
Enter the name of the awardee for startups, retentions & flex funding. This person will also be listed as the Principal Investigator of the project.

For other/special, list multiple co-PIs if needed.

If there is no PI, list 'none'.
PI Email

Email address of the PI(s). f there is no PI, list n/a.

Funding Entity

List the entity funding the project.

Select 'department' if the department is self funding.

  • L&S
  • Department
  • Other Division
  • Provost
  • Other
Funding type


  • 131 profit
  • One-time tally sheet
  • 150 funding
  • Unknown
  • Other
Project Start Date

List the effective date for the project.

Project End Date

Optional. List an end date if appropriate.

Supporting Documents

Optional. Upload supporting documents, e.g., letters, email correspondence.

May upload up to five documents. File types supported: Word, Excel, .pdf

Additional Information

Optional. Additional information or context if needed.

Additional Contacts


Form Feedback

Optional - please let us know if you have any feedback about this forms or related L&S KBs.

Keywordsstartups,retentions, flex funding, special projects   Doc ID135410
OwnerAmanda M.GroupL&S KB
Created2024-02-12 11:46:01Updated2024-06-06 12:49:22
SitesL&S KB
Feedback  0   0