Topics Map > Student Academic Policies > Grades

"Q" Grades UW-Madison

The following sections explains when it is appropriate to aware a "Q" grade to an L&S undergraduate student.

A student is awarded a temporary grade of Q (question on credits or Honors) when the grade from the instructor and the student's registration are not compatible.   This is a temporary grade that is used during the grade reporting period to indicate a credit problem.  Students who receive a Q grade must speak with the instructor to resolve the registration problem so a permanent grade can be reported.  Please note that having a Q grade could have implications on a student graduating or getting placed on the Dean's List.  Thus, students must make sure they resolve any Q grades in a timely manner and before they plan to graduate.

An example when a Q grade is awarded is when a student is registered for 3 credits in a variable credit course and the instructor crosses out the 3 on the grade sheet and changes it to 4.  In this situation, a Q grade will be posted.  The Q grade is recorded most frequently when a student does not complete Honors in a course.  When a student is in this situation, s/he should speak directly with the instructor to get this situation resolved.    Once the problem has been resolved, the Q grade will be changed to an appropriate final grade (A, AB, B, BC, C, D, or  F).

Resources for Questions:

Office of the Registrar (608) 262-3811,
L&S Student Academic Affairs (608) 262-0617,


Q grades, Q, credit, Q credit, dean's list, Honors, graduation 
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