Topics Map > Student Academic Policies > Grades

Submitting UW-Madison Grade Changes Electronically

Information on how to submit grade changes electronically

An instructor with the ability to submit grades can make electronic grade changes. The process for entry and submission of electronic grade rosters is as follows: access your grade rosters via MyUW Madison, enter the appropriate grade for each student on your roster, save your work, click the “Submit to Registrar” button, save again.  Move onto the next grade roster. You may also partially complete a roster, save your work, and return to complete and submit it at a later time (by the deadline).  More detailed information about the grading process can be found at submitting grades on the Office of the Registrar website.   

Contact Information: 
Office of the Registrar (Campus Wide): (608) 262-3811,
L&S Student Academic Affairs: (608) 262-0617,

Keywordsgrade submission, grade, grading access, submitting grades   Doc ID94407
OwnerTori R.GroupL&S KB
Created2019-09-10 15:55:05Updated2023-08-28 09:06:11
SitesL&S KB
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