No. | Document Title | ID | Updated | Views |
1 | Instructional Staffing Request Form - L&S | 119153 | 2025-01-09 | 6265 |
2 | Lecturer (SA) appointments in L&S | 32748 | 2024-06-21 | 15010 |
3 | L&S Instructional Staffing Options | 118505 | 2025-01-09 | 4558 |
4 | L&S Teaching Report | 88851 | 2025-01-08 | 7581 |
5 | L&S Summer Instructional Appointments: Policy and Guidance | 85547 | 2024-12-17 | 12677 |
6 | L&S Instructions on Spring 2025 Jobs [Campus login required] | 25483 | 2024-11-18 | 8660 |
7 | L&S Short-term Staffing Requests | 88848 | 2024-11-04 | 10290 |
8 | L&S Short-Term Staff Appointment Letters | 61990 | 2024-10-28 | 28397 |
9 | Summer Term: Details on Financial and Expense Reports | 121473 | 2024-08-19 | 3199 |
10 | L&S Standard Rates for Short-term Instructional Staff (STS) and Student Assistants | 28638 | 2024-07-24 | 51979 |
11 | L&S Policy on Volunteers | 23622 | 2024-07-02 | 8699 |
12 | L&S Recruitment of Short-Term Staff | 37654 | 2024-06-24 | 20468 |
13 | L&S Guidelines for Instructional Appointments | 118053 | 2024-01-18 | 3517 |
14 | STS [Glossary] | 70004 | 2025-01-09 | 6173 |
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