Results: 1-14 of 14

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Instructional Staffing Request Form - L&S1191532025-01-096265
2Lecturer (SA) appointments in L&S327482024-06-2115010
3L&S Instructional Staffing Options1185052025-01-094558
4L&S Teaching Report888512025-01-087581
5L&S Summer Instructional Appointments: Policy and Guidance855472024-12-1712677
6L&S Instructions on Spring 2025 Jobs [Campus login required]254832024-11-188660
7L&S Short-term Staffing Requests888482024-11-0410290
8L&S Short-Term Staff Appointment Letters619902024-10-2828397
9Summer Term: Details on Financial and Expense Reports1214732024-08-193199
10L&S Standard Rates for Short-term Instructional Staff (STS) and Student Assistants286382024-07-2451979
11L&S Policy on Volunteers236222024-07-028699
12L&S Recruitment of Short-Term Staff376542024-06-2420468
13L&S Guidelines for Instructional Appointments1180532024-01-183517
14STS [Glossary]700042025-01-096173

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