Results: 21-36 of 36

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
21Changing the Name of L&S Academic Programs, Majors, Named Options, Departments, and Centers200522023-07-0611488
22L&S Policy and Procedures for Grade Appeal222582023-07-0510731
23L&S Advising Awards456232023-06-097414
24BOR [Glossary]206582023-06-025902
25ASPP [Glossary]206562023-06-016524
26L&S Chairs and Directors: Selection, Elections, and Terms216232023-01-096491
27L&S Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC)452072022-10-257026
28Wisconsin Open Meetings Statute216252022-09-305534
29L&S Senate Information216792022-07-257484
30L&S Tips: Quorum and Parliamentary Procedural Rules for Department/Program Governance216242022-07-258269
31L&S Governance & Committees213352022-07-255419
32L&S Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) Reports452122022-05-115229
33UW-Madison Public Records216272022-05-114864
34Diversity and Inclusion in L&S368752022-05-113478
35L&S Academic Planning Council Meetings, Deadlines, and Contact199872022-03-017836
36L&S Faculty Meeting, 30 April 2012, Discussion of a Proposed College of the Arts [Campus login required]239862022-09-30141
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