Results: 1-10 of 10

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1L&S Business Policies and Forms226162025-02-1012242
2Alcohol Beverages - L&S226312024-10-0810121
3Catering and Food - L&S226292024-08-197261
4L&S Sabbatical Travel388502024-08-1416100
5L&S Faculty Searches: Block Grants for Candidate Visits345002024-07-226096
6Receptions - L&S226172024-02-097490
7L&S Funding String for S&E and Student Hourly Allocations Effective FY211028022023-07-062610
8L&S Fund Management: Program Codes584162023-07-065858
9L&S Fund Management: Department ID584142023-07-067016
10L&S Fund Management: Sub-Department1028162023-05-183707

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