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Quick Guide for Student Org Advisors

This document is intended as a quick reference guide for advisors of Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) in the Law School. Beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year, all student organizations will be required to have an advisor. Please be advised that the information below may be updated as campus introduces resources and training requirements for advisors.

Resources for Advisors: 

Required Trainings for Advisors: 

As part of the University's compliance with the Clery Act, all RSO Advisors must complete Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training on an annual basis. Advisors will be expected to complete this training using the link below. The training is estimated to take 20 minutes to view, plus the time to complete the 10 quiz questions. Please keep a copy of the certificate for your records. 

Click here to enroll in Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training 

If you have further questions about this training or your completion, please contact the Clery Program Staff at UWPD. 

If you plan to travel with your students, you must have completed the CSA Training and CSA Travel Supplemental Training within the last year. You should also complete the Travel Registry Form. 

Advisor Responsibilities: 

Advisor's responsibility to the group

  • Assist the group in setting realistic goals and objectives each academic year, ensuring opportunities for educational and personal development. 
  • Help the organization justify its expenditures of the students' time, abilities, energy and funds. 
  • Be well informed about all plans and activities of the group. This can be achieved through regular attendance at meetings and/or frequent meetings with student officers. 
  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork among group leaders and members. 
  • Be familiar with the history of the organization. Advisors should keep a record of their communications with or on behalf of the organization, to better advise future leaders. 
  • Assist in evaluation of programs. 
  • Be aware of University & Law School policies and the Student Organization Code of Conduct. 
  • Attend organizational meetings and functions when possible. Advisors may also request meeting minutes from the group if they are unable to attend. 
  • Provide suggestions and constructive feedback regarding the operation of the organization. 

Advisor's responsibility to students 

  • Seek to assist students in maintaining a work-life-school balance. 
  • Encourage each individual member to participate in and/or plan group events. 
  • Encourage students to act as leaders and help them recognize the importance of their roles in relation to the group, even if the student does not have a formal leadership role. 
  • Help develop the leadership skills of members, particularly the executive board, by discussing group interactions and decision-making. 

Advisor's responsibility to the Law School 

  • Work with students to help them plan programs that are beneficial to students and consistent with the educational objectives of the Law School. 
  • In conjunction with the Student Life & Engagement Manager: 
    • Be aware of policies and procedures applicable to RSOs and strive to see that they are followed. 
    • Be aware of the responsibilities of departments who choose to sponsor student organizations on campus and/or co-sponsor activities or programs, listed on the Departmental Sponsorship section of this webpage. 
  • Whenever possible, inform the Student Life & Engagement Manager of sabbatical or other leave of absence lasting at least one semester. 
  • Make suggestions to the Student Life & Engagement Manager of additional training and resources needed for advisors or student leaders. 
  • Agree to receive periodic updates from the Student Life & Engagement Manager. If you are not a current faculty member, you will be asked to share an email address where you can be reached. 

Additional considerations for advisors of co-curricular activities 

Please note, this section is under construction. Please contact Carlie Wiseley for student org matters, and Dean Kelly for academic matters.

  • Ensure students are appropriately tracking their hours and that administrative tasks are equitable distributed among students so that all students have ample opportunity to earn educationally beneficial hours. 
  • Oversee internal disciplinary processes when members are not meeting performance expectations.
  • Oversee enrollment and credits earned. 
  • In conjunction with the Student Life & Engagement Manager, provide perspective regarding available funding and best budget practices.  

advisor faculty advisor student org advisor 
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Owned by:
Carlie W. in Law School Student Affairs Office
Law School Student Affairs Office