Topics Map > Lumen Programs

Lumen Program Form: Commitments Section

Series of linked KnowledgeBase documents that includes instructions for accessing and completing the Lumen Program form, start to finish. This document provides direction for completing the fields in the Commitments section of new and change proposals.

The Commitments section is designed to remind proposers of the key requirements related to academic program development and maintenance. Proposers must confirm each statement provided is true by checking the corresponding Yes box. All questions presented are required. 

Undergraduate certificates require at least 12 and typically no more than 16 credits.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for undergraduate certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

Graduate/professional certificates require at least 9 and typically no more than 12 credits.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for graduate/professional certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for graduate/professional certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates. Also refer to the university's Policy on Course Numbers.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for graduate/professional certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for capstone certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes

Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

Undergraduate-only courses numbered lower than 300 may be used to meet capstone certificate requirements, however it is understood such courses will not subsequently count in graduate programs or be accorded grade points on the transcript.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for capstone certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes

Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates. Also refer to the university's Policy on Course Numbers.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for capstone certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes

Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

All required courses are approved through the school/college level. 

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates or named options)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
At the time of Lumen Program proposal submission, all courses listed in the program requirements section must be: a) Active in the course catalog, or b) be submitted to workflow in the Lumen Course proposal system with a plan to have them approved and active by the time the program is implemented. By the time the program proposals gets to the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC) for review/approval, all courses required for the program that are in the course proposal process must be approved to at least the school/college step of Lumen Workflow. In order for the program to publish in Guide, all courses must be approved and be effective (active) for the term of publication. If a program proposal includes courses that are not in the approval workflow, the proposal will be rolled back with a request for adjustments.  

Courses are offered on a regular basis to allow timely completion.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates or named options)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Courses that fulfill requirements must be offered frequently enough so that students can complete program requirements and graduate in a timely fashion.

Courses have enrollment capacity.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates or named options)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Courses that are required must have the capacity for students to enroll and complete requirements in a timely fashion.


  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for graduate/professional certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates. Also refer to the university's Policy on Course Numbers.

Courses in the curriculum are numbered 699 or lower.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only when the program's Audience is identified as "Undergraduate" in the Basic Information section)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Course Numbers, courses numbered higher than 699 are open to graduate or professional students only. As such, all courses used in requirements must be numbered 699 or lower. Also refer to the Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates for more guidance. 


  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates, courses in which a student elects the pass/fail grading option or audit option will not satisfy certificate requirements. 


  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates, topics courses, which are designated in the course catalog and used to offer coursework in emerging issues or specialized content, can be used in certificate requirements/curricula. Ideally, topics courses will only be included if all offerings/topics of the given course can be used to satisfy requirements.

All requirements must be met; exceptions that amount to waiving requirements are not permitted.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
This is a standard baseline requirement, that for a credential to be awarded, all requirements must be met and accounted for in a degree audit process.

Course substitutions to the curriculum should be kept to a minimum; if substitutions are being made on a regular basis, the curriculum should be re-examined. When course substitutions are made, the substituted course should be formally added to the curriculum through governance for inclusion in the curriculum the following academic year.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates, course substitutions or exceptions should be kept to a minimum. If substitutions/exceptions are being made on a regular basis, the curriculum should be examined and/or revised to address the consideration. 

Substitutions are not permitted for any course unless the substitution would be provided for every student with the same substitution request.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document

This is a standard baseline requirement, that if a program makes a course exception/substitution for one student, it must make the same exception/substitution for all students.

When the proposed certificate is made available to University Special students it is only available to those who have earned a baccalaureate degree.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for undergraduate certificates and only when the questions related to University Special Student eligibility in the Curriculum and Requirements section are answered in the affirmative)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Only students who have already earned a bachelor's degree (from UW-Madison or any accredited institution) can earn a certificate as a University Special Student in compliance with UW-Madison's accreditation status. Refer to the University Special Student Undergraduate Certificates section of the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates for more information.

Certificate program faculty and staff understand that Adult Career and Special Student Services (ACSSS) in the Division of Continuing Studies will serve as the advising, admissions, and academic dean’s office for all University Special Students.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for undergraduate certificates and only when the questions related to University Special Student eligibility in the Curriculum and Requirements section are answered in the affirmative)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
University Special Students are advised through the Division of Continuing Studies.

Certificate program faculty and staff will work with ACSSS to monitor and advise University Special students seeking a certificate.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for undergraduate certificates and only when the questions related to University Special Student eligibility in the Curriculum and Requirements section are answered in the affirmative)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
University Special Students are advised through the Division of Continuing Studies.

Certificate courses have the enrollment capacity to accommodate University Special Students. Certificate program faculty and staff understand that University Special Students completing the certificate will not have enrollment priority over degree-seeking undergraduate students nor University Special Students enrolled in capstone certificate programs.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for undergraduate certificates and only when the questions related to University Special Student eligibility in the Curriculum and Requirements section are answered in the affirmative)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
University Special Students register (i.e., enroll in classes) after all degree-seeking students. (Refer to the Office of the Registrar's webpage regarding Enrollment Appointment Times.) If a certificate is offered to University Special Students, there must be enough course capacity to allow these University Special Students to enroll in the courses and complete the certificate.

If completing the certificate as a University Special Student, at least 12 credits towards the certificate must be earned in residence at UW-Madison, either while enrolled as a University Special Student or from coursework earned while enrolled as an undergraduate at UW-Madison. (Note this is a higher residency requirement than is used for degree-seeking students.)   

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for undergraduate certificates and only when the questions related to University Special Student eligibility in the Curriculum and Requirements section are answered in the affirmative)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Courses that count toward the residence requirement include online courses and courses taken through UW-Madison study abroad courses in additional to for-credit courses taken on campus.

All of the Capstone certificate credits must be earned “in residence” (which includes on campus and distance-delivered courses) at UW-Madison while enrolled in the Capstone certificate program. Because a Capstone certificate is comprised of just a few courses, it is not appropriate for students who already have completed the same or similar coursework at UW-Madison or another institution.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (capstone certificate only)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates, all capstone certificate credits must be earned in residence at UW-Madison.

At least half of the credits must be earned in residence (UW-Madison on campus, study abroad, or distance courses); exceptions to the minimum residency requirement are not permitted.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (certificates only)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Courses that count toward the residence requirement include online courses and courses taken through UW-Madison study abroad courses in additional to for-credit courses taken on campus.

Unless otherwise specified, students must earn a minimum average 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on all coursework used to meet the requirements of the certificate program.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (undergraduate certificates only)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document


  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for graduate/professional certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates, unless otherwise specified, students must achieve a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA for all courses required for the certificate.


  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for capstone certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates, students must earn a minimum grade of C in each course used to meet certificate requirements.

The program faculty/staff will ensure the program is encoded into DARS and will work with the Registrar’s Office DARS liaison to keep approved revisions to the curriculum current.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for capstone certificates and undergraduate programs)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document

All undergraduate certificate and degree/major programs, as well as capstone certificate programs, must have discrete requirements and the courses that are used to meet the requirements must be coded in the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS).

All students will be declared into the appropriate plan code in SIS via either an admission process or e-declaration. If the student does not have the plan code on their student record in SIS the student is not considered to be in the program.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only for capstone certificates and undergraduate programs)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Capstone certificates and all undergraduate program types are declared through the e-declaration process.

Students may complete only one named option within a plan code.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (named options only)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Named Options within Academic Majors, students can earn only one named option associated with a degree/major program as earning two named options would be akin to earning the same degree twice.

The program faculty/staff will ensure the program website, Advance Your Career materials (if applicable), and other presentations are consistent with the Guide information for this program.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Lumen/Guide - Lumen Content, Guide complies with accreditation requirements, promotes data integrity and efficiency, provides students with consistent and easy-to-access information, and aligns with institutional priorities. For these reasons, the Lumen/Guide is the single source of truth, and the Lumen suite of tools is the official repository for all course and program information. 

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only capstone certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document

Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only capstone certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document

Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates.

To be eligible for admission to a Capstone program, a student must hold an earned bachelor’s degree or equivalent credential from an accredited college or university.  

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (capstone certificates)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document
Per the university's Policy on Credit-Bearing Certificates, a bachelor’s degree or equivalent credential from an accredited college or university is required for admission to a capstone certificate program.

Keywordscourses, exceptions, substitutions, waivers, gpa, enrollment capacity, eligibility   Doc ID85077
OwnerKaren M.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2018-08-21 12:12:40Updated2024-02-02 15:45:45
SitesLumen and Guide
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