Topics Map > Lumen Programs

Lumen Programs Form: Supporting Information Section

Direction and Guidance for completing the fields in the Supporting Information section of program proposals.

General notes about supporting information

  • Memos are not required when documenting support/feedback from interested parties in the following fields.
  • Departments may upload emails or letters of support.

A screen shot of the supporting information section with the three fields available (departmental support, upload fields for support, and additional information).

List name and department of those who are in support of this proposal

Departments must collect comments and documentation of concurrence (i.e., agreement or consent) from the faculty and staff in other programs who might have an interest in the program being proposed. This outside interest might be due to the potential for overlap (e.g., courses, students, etc.) or a likely call on mutual resources.

  1. Proposers must list any departments included in the Vested Interest section.
  2. Include as much detail as possible about the support/concurrence. Include the name(s) of individuals, and the substance of the support. It is fine to cut/paste feedback in the "comment by contact person" field.
  3. If the vested interests have added a comment, enter the following information:
    • [Name of proposer] reached out to [Name of contact] in the [Name of department] to discuss the proposal. They've added a comment regarding the proposal.
  4. Include any attachments in the upload field.

Form help

Guidance for each part of the multi-part question.
Field part Help
Name (Last, First) Always search for an individual by last name. If you search by first name, it will not return expected results
Date of contact/support letter received Enter the date in which support was received by the program. Preferred format is: [year]-[month]-[day]. Example: 2019-08-01
School,College, or Department This can be used if someone is entering information but didn't personally receive the support information.
Comment by contact person Copy/paste the comment from the individual from the source (email, chat, etc.)
On behalf of This can be used if someone is entering information but didn't personally receive the support information.
  • Once a proposal moves beyond the department and/or school/college stage of the workflow, it is not possible to make revisions in the supporting information section.
  • A proposal may progress through workflow even if a department/school/college that is identified as having a vested interest does not comment. 
  • Workflow facilitates interested parties with the opportunity to consider a proposal and provide feedback in the proposal.
  • A lack of comment from vested interests is generally viewed as supportive and will not obstruct a proposal moving forward.

Form logic

  • Proposal Type: New or change proposals except minors (EED or GMIN)
  • Question type: Multi-part

If those supporting the proposal provided a letter or email of support upload here.

Upload any other explanatory information about support from other UW-Madison units provided to the home department.

File information

  • Preferred file type are PDFs; Word docs supported.
  • Documentation generally includes emails or memos

Form logic

  • Proposal Type: New or change
  • Question type: Upload field

Additional Information

The additional information upload field may include:

  • Emails regarding changes to proposals after submission to workflow (i.e. if the Graduate School emails the department and school/college contact about changes made after the department signed off on the initial proposal documenting concurrence from all parties).
  • Communication from accrediting/certification/licensure bodies.
  • Documents that should be attached to the proposal that don't already have specific upload fields for use (i.e. tuition documentation should not be uploaded here).

Form logic

  • Proposal Type: New or change
  • Question type: Upload field

Keywordsproposal support, additional information   Doc ID85078
OwnerKaren M.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2018-08-21 12:21:52Updated2024-08-27 09:57:36
SitesLumen and Guide
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