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Lumen/Guide: How to Fix 'Red-box' Courses (Course Not Found)

How to update curricular requirements due to red-box courses.

How to fix the red-box course in Lumen Programs

  1. Search and edit your program proposal in Lumen Programs.
  2. Scroll to the section of the form where the red-box course displays.
  3. Double Click on the blue box where the red-box course exists.
    The course list edit box in Lumen with the E ASIAN 101 course highlighted in blue with the text  ***Course Not Found***.
  4. Click on the ***Course Not Found*** and then click the << button. This will move the course from the course list to the left side, which doesn't matter where it goes - it just removes it.
    The course list edit box in Lumen with a red box around the << indicating removal of a course from a course list.
  5. Then add a replacement course, if applicable, and then click OK
    The course list edit box in Lumen with the E ASIAN 101 course highlighted in blue with the text  ***Course Not Found*** now removed from the course list.
  6. Then finish proposal and save, or save and start workflow.
    The course list without any red-boxes.

What is a "red-box" course?

The software utilizes a "red-box" around a course to indicate an error. An error can mean a couple of things:

  • The course has been discontinued/deactivated.
  • The course has changed and doesn't use that subject and/or catalog number.
  • The course is new and hasn't been added in SIS and/or isn't effective for the current Guide.
  • The course entered doesn't use the correct subject short description and the software doesn't recognize that as a course. See the UW-Madison's Academic Structure visualization for a list of all active subjects (refer to the Subject Short Name).

Examples of red-boxes in various environments

The following examples are how a red-box, or course not found, displays in various environments.

A red-box in the Lumen Programs form (not in edit mode)

This example shows a course added (listed in green markup). This could be a new course not yet approved.

A screen shot of Lumen Programs showing a red-boxed course not in edit mode.

A red-box in Lumen Programs form (in edit mode)

A screen shot of Lumen Programs showing a red-boxed course in edit mode.

A red-box (highlighted with a red box) in a course list (edit mode)

This does not show up in red when working in the software.

A screen shot of a course list table showing PHM SCI 510 as ***Course Not Found***

A red-box in Guide

A screen shot of Guide showing red-boxed courses.

Deeper Dive: how to find out the cause of a red-box

Utilize the following tools to investigate how to fix a red-box.

Lumen Courses

Lumen Courses is a one-stop-shop for identifying the current status of a course. This works for all approved and current proposals.

  1. Search for the course from the Lumen Courses landing page. See the Lumen Courses: Overview and System Functionality KB for help.
    A screen shot of the Lumen Courses landing page.
  2. Refer to the Status column for the course's current state.
    A screen shot of the Lumen Courses landing page with a red-box around the status column.
  3. If there are no returned results, check the "Archive" box to see if a course has been archived (no longer displays when regularly searching). See the KB on Archived Courses for more information.

Status meaning

An overview of the available statuses for courses in Lumen Courses.
Display text Meaning
added A new course that has not yet been entered in SIS.
edited An existing course that has proposed changes. If a course is showing a red-box around the subject and catalog number, something about the subject and/or catalog number has changed and must be manually fixed in Lumen Programs.
deleted A course proposal to discontinue/deactivate a course, or a completed discontinue/deactivation course proposal.
(null) If a course shows up when searching regularly (without the archive box checked) and there is no status listed, the course proposal is "at rest." If this course is showing up as a red-box in Lumen Programs, it's likely a new course and the effective date is in the future. Contact DAPIR ( if you need to have the effective date adjusted (for new courses only).

Course Catalog in the Student Information System (SIS)

The Student Information System is the official record of approved/completed course proposals. Only users with SIS access can search this way.
  1. Log in to SIS.
  2. Navigate to the Course Catalog: Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog
    Course Catalog landing page in SIS with fields available for querying the catalog.
  3. Search for the course displaying with a red-box.
  4. If there are multiple rows in SIS, it will pop up with a list of courses to choose from. If there is only one row, the search will take you directly to the catalog entry.

Tips for searching in SIS

  • Search by using the Course ID.
    A screen shot of the SIS Course Catalog search screen with a course id entered.
  • Search by subject code (number) and the catalog number.
    A screen shot of the SIS Course Catalog search screen with the subject number and catalog number entered.
  • Search by subject code (number) and filter through the available courses in the search results.
  • You can search by the course title "Description", but you must match it verbatim what the transcript text uses. The search is case sensitive.
    A screen shot of the SIS Course Catalog search screen with the course title entered with search results underneath it.

Determining the error

  1. Check the Status of a course.
    1. If the course is "Inactive", the course has been deactivated/discontinued. You can refer to the "Course Attributes" field to see if the course was deactivated/discontinued through the Obsolete Course Process.
      A screen shot of the course catalog in SIS with a red box around the Status field.
      A screen shot of the course catalog in SIS with a red box around the Course attribute CACT flagging the value "Course inactivated per policy"..
    2. If the courses is "Active", the course either had a catalog number change or a subject change. The current subject/catalog number combination is listed in the Course Offering field. If the course is cross-listed, the course offering section will say "1 of [number of cross-listed subjects".
      A screen shot of the course catalog with a red-box around the Course Offering field.

Course dashboards/visualizations

A tableau data visualization (UW login and campus internet/VPN required) tracks the status of courses as they progress from creation to completion (edited or created not in workflow; in workflow). The data in the dashboard is refreshed every morning. For up-to-date statuses, refer to Lumen Courses.

A screen shot of the Lumen Tools Visualization showing the Red Box report, detailing every program that may have a red-box and why it's red-boxed.

KeywordsRed-box, discontinued courses, course changes, course inactivations, obsolete course process, archive, archived, deactivated courses, course not found, not found   Doc ID90700
OwnerMelissa S.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2019-03-28 09:23:54Updated2024-07-19 14:31:17
SitesLumen and Guide
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