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Academic and Curricular Policy Repository Action Committee (ACPRAC)

ACPRAC was the governing body for everything under the Lumen Curriculum Management System. This KB includes all items from ACPRAC during its existence from 2015-2020.

ACPRAC (Academic and Curricular Policy Repository Action Committee)

As a part of the collaborative nature of the single source project, an oversight (rotating) committee was formed to make decisions about how Lumen would be implemented. The Academic and Curricular Repository Action Committee (ACPRAC) had their first meeting in December 2015 and approved the charter. The charter was reviewed annually. ACPRAC dissolved in August 2020 after all the modules of Lumen were either implemented or cancelled. With the dissolution of ACPRAC, responsibility for major decisions were made by Lumen Sponsors with consultation and endorsement with AAPL, UCAAA, or UAPC as needed and as appropriate to the decision.

Academic Catalog: Guide

The first module implemented was the academic catalog, known as the Guide. ACPRAC, with the "CAT CIT" (Catalog Core Implementation team) determined the overall structure of Guide, finding commonalities in all degrees/majors/certificates that could tie the overall University academic offerings in a consistent way. They also implemented the use of filters to help advisors and prospective students to find degrees/majors/certificates that UW-Madison offers. The CAT CIT, comprised of school/college coordinators, determined the logistics for Guide and reported to ACPRAC with recommendations, or endorsements that provided more structure around various aspects of the Guide. The first edition of Guide published June 1, 2017 for the academic catalog year 2017-2018.

The original CIT morphed into a Guide Coordinator group after implementation. The Guide Coordinator group continues to serve as a group that discusses and reviews any updates to the catalog and disseminates that information to all schools/colleges.

Course Proposals

The course proposal module was the second Lumen module implemented. Course proposals were already being processed using a digital home-grown system, but this didn't integrate into Guide, nor was it connected to program requirements. Lumen Courses launched in January 2018; the home-grown, online course proposal (OCP) system was decommissioned in May 2018. Questions on the Lumen Courses proposal form stem from the original course proposal form that dated back to the manual course proposal process. The form is based on a combination of university and faculty policy, accreditation policies, and standards and regulation set by the US Department of Education (for example, the credit hour policy).  Policy for courses and course changes is reviewed and set by the University Curriculum Committee.  A group of curriculum coordinators met once a semester to discuss changes to the form and discussed any policies that needed implementation to maintain the single source of truth. This group was incorporated into the Lumenaries group (see below).

Program Proposals, Structures Proposals

The last module implemented was Lumen Programs and its partner, Lumen Structures. A small program core implementation team fleshed out the proposal based on the existing program proposals and other program related forms. The program proposal form questions are based in either university or UW System Administration or Board of Regent policies. The program proposal content was primarily populated with SIS information and the 'integration points' from Guide. Lumen Programs launched in fall 2018. Lumen Programs encompasses all plans and subplans. Lumen Structures includes changes to the academic structure, degree requirements, governed content in Guide, or any other miscellaneous item needing governance that is not within Lumen Programs. The CIT morphed into a community of practice, called Lumenaries.

Degree Audit Reporting System

While Lumen was being developed there were partner discussions about making DARS more consistent and streamlined, and representative of the single source of truth. Those discussions crossed with Lumen and remain as ongoing topics. 

Class Section Builder (CSB)

CSB, a schedule builder module, did not work as intended during implementation. Ultimately, the campus decision was to revert back to building the Schedule of Classes in SIS and to discontinue the scheduling module.

Meeting Materials


ACPRAC Committee Charge


Committee Charge

Working Agreement


Committee Charge

2017-2018 Reflections

2018-2019 Guide Publish Timeline

2018-2019 Guide Tabs


Working Agreement

2019-2020 Guide Publication Preview Days

2019-2020 Guide Deadlines


Committee Charge Draft

Working Agreement Draft

2020-2021 Guide Deadlines

ACPRAC Policies

ACPRAC Approved Policies Related to Designation of Guide/Lumen as the Single Source of Truth:

  • Guide Approved Language for New or Discontinued Programs
  • Guide Tab Structure
  • Guide Updating Principles by Tab
  • Rules for Including Academic Pages in the Guide
  • Adding and Removing Pages in Guide
  • Promotional Pages
  • Mid-cycle Updates
  • Course Draw Principles
  • Course List Principles for Inclusion/Display in the Guide

KeywordsACPRAC, Lumen, CAT, CIM, Guide, Catalog, Scheduler, Courses, Programs, MARC   Doc ID107136
OwnerMelissa S.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2020-11-12 13:21:18Updated2024-06-26 13:42:50
SitesLumen and Guide
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