Topics Map > Lumen Programs

Lumen Program Form: Basic Information Section

Series of linked KnowledgeBase documents that includes instructions for accessing and completing the Lumen Program form, start to finish. This document provides direction for completing the fields in the Basic Information section of new and change proposals.

Following are the questions/fields in this section, details on each field, and tips and guidance for completing the question/field. The questions/fields are listed in the order they appear on the form. Each will display, be hidden, or be disabled depending on the nature of the proposal. 

Program State

  • Proposal Type: Change (No/>50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • Active
    • Suspend Admissions
    • Suspend, will be discontinued
    • Discontinued
    • Reactivate
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document

The program state gives information on whether the program is active (i.e., open for enrollment) or in another state related to enrollment. When changing the state of the program via the Lumen form, additional questions on the form will be presented to allow the proposer to elaborate on the plans. Following are more details on each program status option:

  • Active: The academic program is active and open for new enrollment. Most programs are in an active state.
  • Suspend Admissions: No new students are allowed to enroll, but currently enrolled students are allowed to continue in the academic program. The program will be required to submit a proposal to reactivate or discontinue. Please note, this is not the option to choose for programs identifying as non-admitting master's programs; there is a separate question on the form with which to make that designation.
  • Suspend, will be discontinued: The academic program will be discontinued. No new students are allowed to declare, but currently enrolled students are allowed to continue in the academic program until the discontinuation term as defined subsequently on the form.
  • Discontinued: The academic program will be discontinued in the selected discontinuation term as defined subsequently on the form.
  • Reactivate: An academic program with suspended admissions proposes to reopen admissions and return to the active state. This is only available on programs currently in a Suspend Admissions state; Discontinued programs cannot be reactivated.

Type of Program

  • Proposal Type: New
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • Degree/Major 
    • Certificate
    • Honors Program (Undergraduate only)
    • Minor (PhD and BSE only)
    • Named Option
    • Capstone Certificate (Special only)
    • Non-Degree Program (Special only)
    • Non-Degree Track (Special only)
  • Help Button Text (?): Link to this KB document

Proposers indicate the type of new program they are proposing via this question. This question is very important as most subsequent form questions/fields are based on the response to the type of program being proposed or changed. Following are more details on each program type option:

  • Degree/Major: The degree/major represents a student's primary area of study.
  • Certificate: A certificate program is a designated set of for-credit courses focused upon a specific topic or theme. Certificates give students the opportunity to pursue a subject of interest in a formalized way and to have completion of the course of study recognized on the student’s UW-Madison transcript. Certificates add opportunities for flexibility not available in majors and degrees.
  • Honors Program (Undergraduate only): An honors program is a rigorous course of study within a student's degree/major (e.g., Honors in the Major) or school/college (e.g., Honors in the Liberal Arts, Honors in Research).
  • Minor (PhD and BSE only): A doctoral minor is a 9-12 credit program designed to meet the breadth requirement of a doctoral degree at UW-Madison. Teaching minors are academic programs that are specifically associated with Bachelor of Science-Education degree/majors and the BS-Physical Education offered by the School of Education; they are not available to students enrolled in other degree programs nor for association with other degree programs at UW-Madison.
  • Named Option: A named option is a formally documented subplan within an academic major program. Named options serve as a convenient way to distinguish a distinct curriculum or delivery format within a major. A named option is not a new degree or major. Authorization by the Board of Regents to deliver an academic program is at the degree/major level.
  • Capstone Certificate (Special only): For University Special (i.e., non-degree seeking) students who hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, a capstone certificate is designed to "cap off" undergraduate educational experience or to offer a focused professionally oriented educational experience.
  • Non-Degree Program (Special only): A non-degree program houses students participating in for-credit academic experiences that do not lead an award.
  • Non-Degree Track (Special only): A non-degree track is a formally documented sub-plan of a non-degree program. There is no formal curriculum associated with non-degree tracks. 

Parent Program:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (only available when the program is a named option or non-degree)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • Full list of degree/majors offered at UW-Madison
  • Help Button Text (?): A named option is a formally documented sub-major within a parent academic degree/major program. The parent degree/major is selected or displayed here. More Information (link to this KB document)

This question only appears when the above Type of Program question indicates the proposal is for a named option or non-degree program. For change proposals, the dropdown is automatically populated with the associated plan/parent program. For new program proposals, the proposer selects the associated plan. Please note that named options may not move between parent programs. To "move" a named option from one program to another, the existing named option must be discontinued in the first parent program and a new named option must be proposed for the new parent program. 

Upload the Approved Notice of Intent and UW System Approval Memo:

  • Proposal Type: New Degree/Major Program
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Attach File
  • Help Button Text (?): The Notice of Intent is the first step in proposing a new degree/major. An approved Notice of Intent is required to propose a new degree/major. Open help page for this field. (link to this KB document)

This field is available when proposing a new degree/major program. It is meant to hold the documents associated with the Notice of Intent (also known as the Approval to Plan). The NOI is the first step in the planning/approval process for new degrees/majors. Programs use the UW System Notice of Intent template to initially propose the program and upload it into a new Lumen Structures proposal. Once the NOI is approved and the program moves onto the full Request for Authorization, proposers initiate a new Lumen Program proposal for the new program. Upon doing so, the previously approved NOI document and the associated UW System approval memo are uploaded to this field.

Upload completed draft of the full Board of Regents Authorization Proposal for this program:

  • Proposal Type: New Degree/Major Program
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Attach File
  • Help Button Text (?): Complete a draft of the Authorization Proposal located at Use answers from the template to complete the Lumen Programs form. 

The proposer should upload a Word version of the New Program Request for Authorization document to this field. This document must use the UW System template. Most of the questions that follow on the Lumen Program form mirror the sections of the authorization narrative template. 

Parent Audience:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Auto Populated
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Changes to the audience displayed here require a separate proposal to change the audience for the parent major. 

This is a display-only field and reflects the "audience" for the plan/parent proposal (i.e., Undergraduate, Graduate or professional, or Special). It only appears on named option proposals.

Who is the audience?

  • Proposal Type: New (all but named option or track)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • Undergraduate
    • Graduate or professional
    • Special
  • Help Button Text (?): The audience is the kind of student that will participate in this program. Every program will have a single audience; a separate proposal is needed for each audience.
    Open help page for this field. (link to this KB document)

This question is available for new program proposals, except if the proposal is for a named option or track. The proposer should indicate who the program is intended to serve, be it undergraduates, graduate or professional students, or Special students. The answer will drive subsequent questions on the form (i.e., what appears or does not), so accurately responding is very important. 

Parent Home Department: 

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Auto Populated
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Changes to the home department displayed here require a separate proposal to change the home department for the parent major. 

This is a display-only field and reflects the department that owns the plan/parent program. It only appears on named option proposals.

Home Department:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • All departments at UW-Madison
  • Help Button Text (?): This is the governance home for the proposed academic program. Academic programs must have a home in an academic department or approved department-like unit.
    Open help page for this field. (link to this KB document)

For new program proposals, this is where the proposer indicates the intended home department for the proposed program. For change proposals, this question only displays when the Header section's greater-than or less-than question was selected to indicate the change is greater than 50%. If the proposal seeks to change the academic home of the program, the proposer can indicate the new home department with this question. This question is hidden when the proposal is for a named option or a track, which cannot have different home departments than their associated parent plans. 

Parent School or College: 

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • All departments at UW-Madison
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. The Home Department is housed in the School/College displayed here. Changes to the home department require a separate proposal to change the home department for the parent major. 

This is a display-only field and reflects the name of the school or college that owns the plan/parent program. It only appears on named option proposals.


  • Proposal Type: New (all but named option or track) or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • All schools/colleges at UW-Madison
  • Help Button Text (?): The Home Department is housed in the School/College displayed here.  

This field is auto-populated with the name of the UW-Madison school/college that serves as the administrative home of the indicated Department. 

The program will be governed by the home department/academic unit as specified. Will an additional coordinating or oversight committee be established for the program?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No (defaults to No)
  • Help Button Text (?): All governance will workflow through the Home Department. 

The answer to this question defaults to No as most programs are governed by their home department. However, some academic programs utilize an additional committee to oversee the program, especially interdisciplinary programs. This question gives the proposer the opportunity to indicate an oversight committee will be utilized. 

Describe procedures under which the coordinating/oversight committee will operate, including how the committee chair is appointed, to whom the chair reports, how participating faculty and staff are identified, provisions for transitions in the committee, and processes for interaction with the home department.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Words Allowed: 1,000

This question is only available when the answer to the previous question (i.e., Will an additional coordinating or oversight committee...) is Yes. Proposers should use this space to provide details on how the oversight committee will be formed, operated, etc.

Parent is in the Graduate School:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Changing what is displayed here requires a separate change proposal for the parent major. 

This is a display-only field and indicates whether or not the parent program is in the Graduate School. It only appears on named option proposals

Is this in the Graduate School?

  • Proposal Type: New (all but named option or track) 
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): All capstones and essentially all masters and research doctoral degrees are in the graduate school. GFEC governs these programs. 

The proposer should use this question to indicate whether or not the program will be governed by the Graduate School

Parent Award:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • All degrees awarded by UW-Madison

This is a display-only field and indicates the degree associated with the plan/parent program. It only appears on named option proposals


  • Proposal Type: New (degree/major only)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • All degrees awarded by UW-Madison
  • Help Button Text (?): For degree/majors, this is the name of the degree that will appear on the transcript and diploma. Select other to enter a degree name that is not on this list. Only L&S undergraduate degree/major proposals may select BA and BS.

This question is available on proposals for new degree/majors. Proposers use this question to indicate the degree type that will be awarded upon completion of the program. If the proposal is to award a new degree type, select Other and respond to the subsequent question.

Other Award Name:

  • Proposal Type: New (degree/major only)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Characters Allowed: 30

This question only appears if Other is selected on the previous question, indicating the proposal is for a new degree type. This is very rare. 

SIS Code:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Characters Allowed: 10
  • Help Button Text (?): This is the SIS plan code. For a new academic program proposals, it will be administratively entered in the final step of workflow. 

This is an administrative-only field completed by Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) upon completion of the proposal process. An example SIS Code is 848MSBBANA. 

SIS Code (BS):

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Characters Allowed: 10
  • Help Button Text (?): This is the SIS plan code. For a new BA/BS academic program proposals, the BS code corresponding the BA code above will be administratively entered here in the final step of workflow. 

This is an administrative-only field completed by Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) upon completion of the proposal process. It is only available when the Award selected is Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, allowing for the College of Letters & Science programs to stay connected with one proposal.  

SIS Description: 

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Characters Allowed: 30
  • Help Button Text (?): This description is used internally. For a new academic program proposals, it will be administratively entered in the final step of workflow. 

This is an administrative-only field completed by Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) upon completion of the proposal process.

SIS Description (BS):

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Characters Allowed: 30
  • Help Button Text (?): This description is used internally. For a new BA/BS academic program proposals, the BS description corresponding the BA description above will be administratively entered here in the final step of workflow. 

This is an administrative-only field completed by Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) upon completion of the proposal process. It is only available when the Award selected is Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, allowing for the College of Letters & Science programs to stay connected with one proposal.  

Transcript Title

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Characters Allowed: 100
  • Help Button Text (?): This is the official description of the academic program as it appears on the student's transcript. The transcript title follows standard conventions. What you enter here may be administratively changed to match those conventions. Open help page for this field (link to this KB document).

The content in this field becomes the text that prints on a student's transcript, so it is very important to the proposal process. This question will always display, but is only editable when creating a new program proposal or making edits greater than 50%. Here are a few things to keep in mind when proposing the transcript title:

  • There is no need to duplicate the degree type (e.g., BA, MS, etc.) as the degree type is indicated elsewhere. 
  • Certificate programs should be named as follows, so the certificate designation always precedes the content focus of the program:
    • Certificate in...
    • Certificate of...
    • Capstone Certificate in...
    • Capstone Certificate of...

If a proposal is to change the name of the academic program, this is the field in which the new proposed name should be entered. Please note there are numerous considerations and requirements to change an academic program's name. Refer to the Considerations for Department, Academic Program, and Subject Listing Name Changes KB document for full details. 

Will this name change apply to all enrolled students in the same term (turn-key)?

  • Proposal Type: Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes (default)
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?) When Answer is No: The alternative to a turn-key name change is a phased-in name change. Some continuing students keep the old name until they graduate and some others may switch; new students get the new name. If you intend to phase-in the name change, please start over with a “Suspend/Discontinue” proposal for the original program name and initiate a new program proposal for the new name. 

This question relates to proposed changes to a program's name. It is available when the change proposal is indicated to be greater than 50% and a change is made to the Transcript Title field. The default is Yes. Please refer to the Considerations for Department, Academic Program, and Subject Listing Name Changes KB document for guidance on the requirements and considerations for program name changes. 

Named Options:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Any approved or proposed named options associated with the degree/major will appear here. Named options must be proposed separately. See also: Named Options within Academic Majors

This is a display-only field on degree/major proposals. If named options are associated with the degree/major, they are automatically listed here. 

Does the parent program offer this as an additional major as well?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Approved named options will also be offered under a parent program additional major. 

Some students, depending on their school/college and major program of study, are eligible to complete an additional (or second) major. This is a display-only field and indicates if the parent program of a named option can be completed as an additional major.

Will this be offered as an additional major as well?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): For masters and PhD, this is known as a joint degree ( Undergraduates may earn an additional major by completing major-specific requirements. 

Some students, depending on their school/college and major program of study, are eligible to complete an additional (or second) major. This field is available/editable when a new program is being proposed or for a greater than 50% change proposal. If the proposer desires that the program can be completed as a second/additional/double major, they should indicate Yes on this question. 

Explain the program's process for reviewing joint degree proposals from students.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry

This question is available for graduate-level degree/major programs for which the intent is to offer them as additional/joint degrees. Proposers should use this question to describe how joint degrees will be evaluated.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Words Allowed: 1,000

This question is available for undergraduate degree/majors indicating they intend to be offered as additional/second majors. 

Provide information on which degree/majors it will likely be combined with most frequently and provide evidence that such combinations will not extend student time to degree beyond the standard four academic years.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Words Allowed: 700

This question is available for undergraduate degree/majors indicating they intend to be offered as additional/second majors. 

Briefly describe the process the student follows to get permissions to declare the additional major from the primary degree/major and the additional major offering unit.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Words Allowed: 300

This question is available for undergraduate degree/majors indicating they intend to be offered as additional/second majors. 

Will a doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate be required?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): Breadth is a required component of doctoral training at UW–Madison. Given there are multiple paths to breadth, the Graduate School leaves the choice of whether students achieve breadth through a PhD minor or by other means up to the specific PhD program. See more here:

This question is only available when the Award is a PhD. If a doctoral minor or certificate will be required for the program, related details should be provided in the Guide Requirements section. 

Describe how you will inform current students in the program about this change. Also describe your plan for advising future students who are interested in completing a minor or graduate/professional certificate in addition to the major requirements.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry

This question is only available when the answer to the prior question (i.e., Will a doctoral minor or grad/pro certificate be required?) is No. 

Is this a non-admitting master's degree?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): Typically, a Master’s program named option with a non-admitting status is a partner program with an admitting Ph.D. program of the same name; the Master’s named option would not be open to admissions but would be available to be awarded to a student who leaves the Ph.D. program without fulfilling all the Ph.D. requirements but has completed sufficient requirements for the Master’s. In some cases, students working toward a Ph.D. will be awarded a Master’s as a milestone requirement of progress toward the Ph.D. 

This question is only available when the Award is MA or MS. To learn more about non-admitting master's level degree/majors, refer to the Change of Application/Admitting Status for Master's Level Degree/Major KB document. 

Is this a non-admitting named option for a master's degree?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): Typically, a Master’s program named option with a non-admitting status is a partner program with an admitting Ph.D. program of the same name; the Master’s named option would not be open to admissions but would be available to be awarded to a student who leaves the Ph.D. program without fulfilling all the Ph.D. requirements but has completed sufficient requirements for the Master’s. In some cases, students working toward a Ph.D. will be awarded a Master’s as a milestone requirement of progress toward the Ph.D. 

This question is only available on named option proposals when the Award is MA or MS. To learn more about non-admitting master's level degree/majors, refer to the Change of Application/Admitting Status for Master's Level Degree/Major KB document. 

Roles by Responsibility: List one person for each role in the drop down list. Use the green + to create additional boxes.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Table

Proposers are asked to complete the table indicating the key individuals associated with the proposed program. The four required roles are: Department Chair, Faculty Director, Primary Contact, and Primary Dean's Office Contact. Select the role from the Role Type dropdown list, and then use the Name field functionality to search for the correct individual. That search functionality pulls from the university's directory. 

List the departments (other than the home department listed above) that have vested interest in the proposal.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Table
  • Help Button Text (?): Any department that is a related field of study, has a similar name, or teaches courses that will be used in the proposed academic program has a vested interest in the proposal. Departments with a vested interest will be sent an email inviting comments on the proposal when the proposal is submitted to workflow. For each unit listed a comment must be recorded or an entry made in Supporting Information either in the table for "List name and department of those who are in support of this proposal" or as a document upload in letter of support field. Open help page for this field. (link to this KB document)

This is an important question on the Lumen Program form. Proposers should list each department that might have an interest in the program being proposed. Please refer to the Program Proposal: Vested Interest, Supporting Information, and Approval KB document for guidance on completing the vested interest table. 

Are all program reviews in the home academic unit up to date?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): Based on program review policy, the expectation is that all program reviews are up-to-date before a department or unit proposes new programs or substantial changes. More information about program review and/or Program Review Status Tracker 

By UAPC policy, all program reviews for academic programs associated with an academic unit are to be up to date before the department or academic unit can have additional proposals considered for approval. To assist units in responding to this question and staying current on the status of program reviews by program, Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) created the Program Review Status Tracker. The tracker is a Google Sheet that is viewable by all users. Use the Status tab to search by School/College, Department, and/or Transcript Description to determine the program review status for a program. 

Please explain.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Word Count: 250

This question is only available when the answer to the previous question regarding program review is answered No (i.e., reviews are not current). Use this space to explain why the academic program review is not up to date and the steps the department will be taking to become current. 

Are all assessment plans in the home academic unit up to date?

At UW–Madison, every academic program (undergraduate, graduate, certificate, and general education) must have an active assessment plan. This question gives the proposer the opportunity to attest to whether or not the department offering the proposed program is up to date with their assessment plans. 

Please explain.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Word Count: 250

This question is only available when the answer to the previous question regarding assessment plans is answered No (i.e., assessment plans are not current). Use this space to explain why the unit does not have current assessment plans on file and the steps the department will be taking to become current. 

Are all assessment reports in the home academic unit up to date?

Every academic program is expected to have active assessment plans in place, conduct at least one assessment activity each year, and report annually to the Office of the Provost, including plans for improvement. This question gives the proposer the opportunity to attest to whether or not the department offering the proposed program is up to date with their assessment reports. 

Please explain.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Word Count: 250

This question is only available when the answer to the previous question regarding assessment reports is answered No (i.e., assessment reports are not current). Use this space to explain why the unit does not have current assessment reports on file and the steps the department will be taking to become current. 

Mode of Delivery:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
    • Face to Face (majority face-to-face courses)
    • Distance Education (>50%-99%)
    • Distance Education (100% online)
    • Set at the Named Option Level (Parent Plans Only)
  • Help Button Text (?): This field is specific to the UW System definitions of mode of delivery. A distance or correspondence education program as one in which a student could earn the credential by taking 50% or more of the work in distance or correspondence education courses. Distance or correspondence courses or credits are those in which all or the vast majority (75% or more) of the instruction and interaction occurs via electronic communication, correspondence, or equivalent mechanisms, with the faculty and students physically separated from each other. Graduate programs with named options should select "Set at the named option level (parent plans only)" as all students are declared in one of the named options and the parent plan alone does not have a mode of delivery. 

Proposers should use this field to indicate the mode of delivery for the proposed new program or to change the mode of delivery for an existing program. The options in the dropdown list match the UW System definitions of mode of delivery and are: 1) Face to Face (majority face-to-face courses), 2) Distance Education (>50%-99%), 3) Distance Education (100% online), 4) Set at the Named Option Level (Parent Plans Only). 

Provide information on how any lab courses required for the degree will be handled?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Word Count: 350
  • Help Button Text (?): Certain kinds of lab courses may be difficult to replicate in the online environment. Explain how lab courses will be offered online and meet the same learning goals as face-to-face instruction. 

This question is only available when the answer to the prior question on Mode of Delivery indicates the program will feature Distance Education. Proposers should use the space to indicate how lab courses will be offered online so as to meet the course learning goals. 

Will instruction take place at a location geographically separate from UW-Madison?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No (default)

UW–Madison delivers some academic programs and courses at additional locations that are geographically separate from the UW–Madison campus. Academic programs for which students can complete 50% or more of the courses leading to the degree or certificate require additional approvals with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). If the proposed program falls into this threshold, answer this question Yes, which will trigger DAPIR to facilitate additional reporting to both UW System and the HLC.

Upload proposal: 

  • New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Attach File

When the answer to the prior question indicates instruction will take place at an additional location, additional documentation will be necessary. DAPIR academic planners will work with the program/proposer to complete the notification process and upload relevant forms to this field. 

Parent has outside accreditation:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Changing what is displayed here requires a separate change proposal for the parent major. 

This field is uneditable and displays accreditation information as it is set at the plan/parent level. It only appears on named option proposals.

Will this program have outside accreditation?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No (default)

Some programs carry specialized accreditation at UW-Madison. Typical examples include programs in business, engineering, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, law, and veterinary medicine. If the proposed program will have specialized accreditation, answer Yes to this question. If the proposer is unsure, contact your Dean's Office or an academic planner in DAPIR

Parent Guide Accreditation tab:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Guide Integration Point
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Changing what is displayed here requires a separate change proposal for the parent major. 

This field is uneditable and displays the accreditation information for the plan/parent program.

Guide Accreditation tab:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Guide Integration Point

This is a Guide integration point, meaning the information presented in this field will display directly into the Guide. Refer to the Lumen/Guide: University Guidelines for Specific Tabs KB document for detailed instructions on how to supply information and format this content. 

Will graduates of this program seek licensure or certification after graduation?

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No (default)

This question is used to determine if the Guide Certification/Licensure tab will be populated for this program. The general guidance is if students can or must seek certification or licensure to practice in their field, the answer should be Yes to this question. 

Graduates of parent program seek licensure or certification after graduation:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multiple choice, single answer
    • Yes
    • No
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Changes to licensure or certification require a separate proposal to change licensure or certification for the parent major. 

This field is uneditable and displays the certification/licensure information for the plan/parent program.

Parent Guide Certification/Licensure tab:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Guide Integration Point
  • Help Button Text (?): This is a display only field. Changes to licensure or certification require a separate proposal to change licensure or certification for the parent major. 

This field is uneditable and displays the certification/licensure information for the plan/parent program.

Guide Certification/Licensure tab:

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Guide Integration Point

This is a Guide integration point, meaning the information presented in this field will display directly into the Guide. Refer to the Lumen/Guide: University Guidelines for Specific Tabs KB document for detailed instructions on how to supply information and format this content. 

First term of student enrollment:

  • Proposal Type: New or Reactivate
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Dropdown List
  • Help Button Text (?): This is usually the first fall term after the program has been approved. 

The options in the dropdown list are future term/year combinations (e.g., Fall 2024). Proposers should indicate the first term students will be able to enroll in the program. Refer to the Lumen: Date Fields in Programs, Courses, and Structures KB document for additional guidance on selecting the correct term.

Year of three year check-in to GFEC (3 years after first student enrollment):

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Auto-Populated
  • Help Button Text (?): The year of the three year check-in is the first Fall following approximately three full academic years of the program being active. It is displayed as the beginning of an academic year. Example: First term of student enrollment = Fall 2022. Year of the three year check-in to GFEC = 2025-2026. Displayed year of the three year check-in = 2025. 

This field is automatically calculated and populated based on the answer to the first term of student enrollment question. For more information on the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC) Three-Year Check-In process, refer to the Graduate School's Three-Year Check-In for New Programs KB document. 

Year of first program review (5 years after student first enrollment):

  • Proposal Type: New or Change
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Auto-Populated
  • Help Button Text (?): The year of the first program review is calculated to be 5 years after the first term of student enrollment. It is displayed as the end of an academic year. Example: First term of student enrollment = Fall 2020. Year of the first program review = 2025-26. Displayed year of first program review = 2026. 

This field is automatically calculated and populated based on the answer to the first term of student enrollment question. For more information on academic program review and the five-year review, refer to the university's Academic Program Review website

If this proposal is approved, describe the implementation plan and timeline.

  • Proposal Type: New or Change (greater than 50%)
  • Required Field: No
  • Question Type: Text Entry
    • Maximum Word Count: 250
  • Help Button Text (?): Information to provide here is a summary of the timeline for implementation of the proposal. Depending on what's being proposed, the timeline may be straightforward or complex. 

Proposers should use this space to indicate how the new program or the change to an existing program will be initiated and implemented. 

Keywordsdates, vested interest, program review   Doc ID134362
OwnerKaren M.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2024-01-17 14:47:06Updated2024-02-02 09:57:49
SitesLumen and Guide
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