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Lumen Program Form: Faculty and Staff Resources Section

Series of linked KnowledgeBase documents that includes instructions for accessing and completing the Lumen Program form, start to finish. This document provides direction for completing the fields in the Faculty and Staff Resources section of new and change proposals.
List the core program faculty and staff with title and departmental affiliation(s) who are primarily involved and will participate in the delivery and oversight.  
List the faculty and staff who will be closely associated with the program. There should be at minimum five (5) tenure track faculty or teaching professors affiliated with the new program. This can include (but not limited to) instructors, department chairs, directors, and program coordinators. To add more people, click the green button with the plus sign plus at the upper right of the field. If an individual needs to be removed, click the red button with the 'x.' Delete red button with the X The name and department fields are selected from a drop down and the title field is text. This field will display when the proposal is for a new program or to reactivate a suspended program.

Name (Last, First): The list to select from include all faculty and academic staff in academic divisions. To search individuals, start typing their last name as more of the name is entered the list to select from will grow shorter. The search is not case sensitive. If they are a new hire within the past month they may not be in the system yet (the list of names is pulled from those who are provisioned in the system and this list is updated monthly).
Department: Select from the drop down, the department affiliation of the person listed above. Only one department can be selected.
Title: Enter the title of the individual above.
What resources are available to support faculty, staff, labs, equipment, etc.? 
Explain the available resources for the faculty and staff. This can include staffing, room space, lab space, computers, etc.
This field has a 350 word limit. This field will display when the proposal is for a new program or to reactivate a suspended program.

Program advisor(s) with title and departmental affiliation(s).  
List the academic advisors who will be associated with the program. To add more people, click the green button with the plus sign plus at the upper right of the field. If an individual needs to be removed, click the red button with the 'x.' Delete red button with the X
Name (Last, First):The list to select from include all faculty and academic staff in academic divisions. To search individuals, start typing their last name as more of the name is entered the list to select from will grow shorter. The search is not case sensitive. If they are a new hire within the past month they may not be in the system yet (the list of names is pulled from those who are provisioned in the system and this list is updated monthly).
Department: Select from the drop down, the department affiliation of the person listed above. Only one department can be selected.
Title: Enter the title of the individual above.
This field will display when the proposal is for a new program.
How will the resource load for the additional advising be met? 
Explain how the existing resources or proposed additional resources will be used to support advising in the home department.
This field has a 350 word limit. This field will display when the proposal is for a new undergraduate major, certificate, or named option.
Describe how student services and advising will be supported. 
Explain how this new program will impact student services and advising and how the additional workload will be handled in the home department.
This field has a 350 word limit. This field will display when the proposal is for a new degree/major, certificate, capstone, pre-college program, or named option.
Describe the advising and mentoring practices that will be used in this program, including how annual assessment of student progress will be communicated.  
This field will display when the proposal is for a PhD program.
Confirm that program advisor(s) have been consulted and reviewed this proposal.  
It is important to keep those advising students in this program informed about any changes that have been made to the program.
Clicking the yes radio button indicates that the advisor(s) were consulted about the changes proposed in this proposal. This field display when the program is a degree/major, certificate, capstone, or named option. This question must be answered each time there is an edit proposal for this program.
Select the Graduate Research Scholars Community for this program.
Many schools and colleges have a  Graduate Research Scholars Community that supports underrepresented students. See the Graduate website for more details. This field displays for graduate (masters or doctoral) degree/majors and named options.

Keywordsfaculty, advisor, equipment, resources, mentoring   Doc ID85070
OwnerKaren M.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2018-08-21 11:33:58Updated2024-01-17 16:23:39
SitesLumen and Guide
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