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HelioCampus AC - “No Detail” or Duplicates on Course Survey Assignment Audit Report [UW-Madison]

The Course Survey Assignment Audit Report displays with incomplete or missing data if a survey is not selected.

When running the Course Survey Assignment Audit Report, some courses are repeated multiple times and some say no detail. 

Screenshot of "no detail" message and repeated courses in the Course Survey Assignment Audit report

This happens when the Course Survey Assignment Audit Report is run without selecting a survey.


  • This affects HelioCampus AC Administrators who run the Course Survey Assignment Audit Report.
  • Specifically, users who run the report without first selecting a survey.


Select one or multiple surveys when running the report. The resulting report would list as normal with all of the surveys accounted for and appearing.

Note: Courses that were just assigned may take up to an hour to display correctly on this report.

KeywordsAssessment assign not showing evaluation heliocampus pdf export   Doc ID123039
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2022-12-13 13:46:08Updated2024-06-20 13:14:41
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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