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Kaltura - Adding Questions to Your Videos with Kaltura Video Quizzes [UW-Madison]

Kaltura MediaSpace's video quiz feature allows you to insert questions into your online videos.

Kaltura video quizzes can be used as self-checks for students to allow them to pause and answer a question to determine whether they listened and understood what they just watched. While Kaltura video quizzes can be used as Canvas assignments we do not currently recommend that due to issues outlined in Canvas - Adding a Kaltura Video Quiz As a Canvas Course Assignment [UW-Madison] . We recommend that you keep your video quizzes to a maximum of 4-6 minutes in length.

Note: Since Kaltura video quizzes don't work reliably for 100% of students we recommend you use video quizzes for student self-testing and preparation with no associated points or grade, and Canvas quizzes for anything with points or a grade.


Creating Kaltura video quizzes

Users can use Kaltura to add questions to a video with Kaltura's video quiz feature. For additional information on Kaltura video quizzes please see Kaltura's documentation Kaltura Video Tools - Create a video quiz
  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox, go to Kaltura MediaSpace, and login: If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] .
  2. Click Add New and select Video Quiz:
    A screenshot showing the user having clicked on the "Add New" drop-down menu. The cursor hovers over "Video Quiz which is outlined in orange to help point it out.
  3. The Editor / Media Selectionscreen will display. You can :
    1. Search for a video to use as the basis for a video quiz
    2. Select an existing video in your collection to use as the basis for a video quiz.
    3. + Upload Media to to add a new video to use with a video quiz.
    4. A screenshot showing the Kaltura MediaSpace Editor / Media Selection screen. Callouts indicate (1) the search dialog, (2) the Select button, and (3) the Upload Media button.
  4. Once you've selected a video you want to use as a quiz, clicking Select will open the Kaltura editor. Note that it can take a few minutes to load on longer videos:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura Editor - specifically the quiz functions.

Editing quiz settings

Toggle the settings menu to visible or hidden by clicking the icon next to Quiz:

A screenshot showing the button to toggle the Kaltura Interactive Video Quiz settings to visible or hidden.

Details settings

Details allows you to edit the name and whether a welcome message displays along with the welcome message for the quiz.

  1. If it isn't expanded click the black arrow next to Details:
    A screenshot showing a Kaltura IVQ with the Details pane expanded to show the "Quiz Name" field and "Show Welcome Page" checked along with the welcome message.
    Be sure to also notice the scroll bar on the right. If you scroll down you can also check or uncheck boxes to Allow Download of Questions List and provide some basic Instructions:
    A screenshot showing the user having used the scroll bar under "Details" to scroll down to display the options for "Allow Download of Questions List" and "Instructions".

Scores settings

Scores allows you to configure:

  1. Do Not Show Scores - A "Thank You" message will display after submitting the quiz, or
  2. Show Scores - Your viewers will see the quiz score page after the quiz is submitted.
  3. The Include Answers checkbox determines whether viewers will be able to see correct/incorrect answers:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura video quiz "Scores" options including whether or not to show the scores and whethe to let viewers see the correct answers.

Experience settings

Under Experience you can:

  1. Allow Answers Change - Allow viewers to change their answers before submitting a quiz.
  2. Allow Skip - Allow viewers to skip questions.
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura IVQ option to "Allow Answers Change" and "Allow Skip".
  3. Scroll down to see the option to set No seeking forward:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura IVQ option "No seeking forward."
    Generally we do not recommend instructors disable the ability for students to seek forward as it reduces student control and can make troubleshooting video quizzes more difficult.

Adding questions to your video quiz

  1. To add a question to your video you can play the video and pause where you would like to place a question, or grab the time tag and drag it to the appropriate place in the video:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura IVQ timeline. The time tag is outlined in red.
  2. Once you are at the appropriate point in the video, click the blue Add a Question button. You can choose from:
    A screenshot of the Kaltura MediaSpace editor. The user has clicked the blue "Add a Question" button and displayed the four types of questions that can be added: Multiple choice, Reflection Point, True/False, and Open-Ended Question.
    1. Multiple Choice: Questions with only one correct answer. Questions have a 180 character limit for questions and 140 character limit for answers. 
    2. True / False: Question with the choice of True or False. Questions have 450 character limit.
    3. Reflection Point: This is a question with no answer. The video will pause and allow you to point out specific items in the video to guide your viewer's attention. This is a non-graded question and will not be part of the quiz score. Questions have 500 character limit.
    4. Open Question: The student can type in a free text answer. This is a non-graded question and will not be part of the quiz score. Questions have a 200 character limit. Answers have a 270 character limit.
  3. The question editing screen will display for your question and will vary based on question type. For more detail please see Kaltura's documentation Kaltura Video Tools - Create a video quiz. For multiple choice questions you have options to:
    1. Click the shuffle button to shuffle the answers
    2. Click the light bulb button allows you to add text hints to the question as well as explanations.
    3. Add question text. 
      Note: This is listed above but it's worth restating that you are limited to 180 characters for questions and 140 characters for answers for multiple-choice questions. True-False questions have a 450 character limit. Reflection Point questions have a 500 character limit. Open questions have a 200 character limit for questions and 270 character limit for answers.

      It's also important to note that you can't assign different point values to each question. If you decide to use the video quiz as a Canvas assignment (outlined in Canvas - Adding a Kaltura Video Quiz As a Canvas Course Assignment [UW-Madison] ), the point value will be divided up to each video question based on the total points you give the assignment in Canvas.
    4. Add correct and incorrect answers.
    5. Add additional answers:
      A screenshot showing the Kaltura IVQ question editor with a multiple choice question.
  4. Click Save when you are done editing your question:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura IVQ question editor. The "Save" button is outlined in red.
  5. Once saved a cube icon will appear on the timeline indicating that a question will appear at that point in the timeline.
    1. You can click the cube to edit the question
    2. You can also use the timeline zoom to increase or decrease the magnification on the timeline:
      A screenshot showing the Kaltura IVQ timeline with a question on it (in the form of a cube icon), along with the timeline zoom control outlined.

  6. When you are done creating questions and have set the settings you can click Done in the upper right of the editor:
    A screenshot showing a detail of the Kaltura IVQ editor. The "Done" button is outlined in red.

Editing an existing Kaltura video quiz

  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox, go to Kaltura MediaSpace, and login: If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison]  .
  2. Click your name in the upper right and select My Media:
    A screenshot showing the user clicking on their name in the upper right to select "My Media" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Search for or scroll until you locate the video quiz you want to edit. Select the pencil icon to the right of the video quiz you want to edit:
    A screenshot showing a detail from the Kaltura MediaSpace "My Media" page. A video is displayed with the cursor over the pencil icon which is also outlined in orange. The user clicks the pencil icon to enter editing mode for that video or quiz.
  4. Click the Launch Editor button from this screen:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura MediaSpace "Edit" window. The "Launch Editor" button is outlined in orange.
    Alternately if you clicked on the name of your video quiz you can click the Actions button and select the Launch Editor option from the drop-down menu.
  5. Choose the Quiz button on the left:
    A screenshot showing a zoomed in detail of the Kaltura MediaSpace editor. The "Quiz" button is outilned in red - it looks like a small three-dimensional box.
  6. Follow the prompts in the editor to edit or add questions to the video as outlined in steps 5-10 above.
  7. Click Done when finished.

Integrating video quizzes with Canvas

Instructors have a few options to integrate Kaltura video quizzes with Canvas:

  1. Kaltura video quizzes can be embedded in a page or other Canvas area wherever the Canvas rich content editor exists. Embedding video quizzes this way will not send a grade for the student to the Canvas gradebook but can still be useful in helping students self-assess and determine whether they understand what they are watching. We recommend that you only use multiple choice, true-false, and reflection point questions for self assessment quizzes. Students can then be more formally assessed on the content via other assignments, Canvas quizzes, exams, etc. More information on embedding an video quiz is available in Canvas - Upload and Embed a New Kaltura Mediaspace Video in a Canvas Page [UW-Madison] . this will still collect individual analytics on student answers and viewing.
  2. Kaltura video quizzes can also be embedded by using embed code. How to find a media entry's embed code is described in Kaltura - How to Get a Link or Embed Code to a Video in MediaSpace [UW-Madison] . This will not collect individual student analytics.
  3. Kaltura video quizzes can be setup as a Canvas assignment. When setup this way video quiz grades are sent to the Canvas gradebook. See Canvas - Adding a Kaltura Video Quiz As a Canvas Course Assignment [UW-Madison]  for information on setting up video quizzes as a Canvas assignment. Unfortunately due to Kaltura video quizzes not working reliably for 100% of students we do not currently recommend they be used  as assignments. We are providing the information for those who want to see how it works.

Kaltura video quiz example

Play the following video to see an example of how a Kaltura video quiz works:

Keywordskaltura, mediaspace, video, quiz, quizzing, test, report, interactive, ivq, quizzes, interactive media   Doc ID60958
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2016-02-18 11:35:59Updated2024-03-13 14:54:25
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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