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Piazza - Create a Piazza Account [UW-Madison]

At UW-Madison, the Piazza product is integrated with the Canvas learning management system. This integration allows direct sign on to Piazza via a link from within Canvas. This document describes how to access Piazza from Canvas.

At UW-Madison, the Piazza product is integrated with the Canvas learning management system. This integration allows direct sign on to Piazza via a link from within Canvas. This document describes how to access Piazza from Canvas.

1. Launching Piazza

  1. To launch Piazza, select the Piazza link in the Canvas course navigation bar. A login box will appear. It will identify you as either a student or instructor in the class. 
  2. Verify that the information is correct and continue to create your account using the steps in the next sections.

2a. Create your Account (Students)

  1. You are prompted to set and confirm a new password at this screen.
    • We recommend creating a password if you wish to use your account online or through the Android or iOS apps.
  2. If you've already created a Piazza account previously, you will see Account with email you provided already exists.
  3. Enter the password you used when setting up your Piazza account.
  4. Click the checkbox to agree to the terms of use, then click Continue.
    • UW-Madison has special, institutional-level terms of use in place with Piazza which supersede the on-screen terms of use. These institutional-level Terms of Use are designed to provide protection for student and faculty data and intellectual property
  5. (NOTE: For FERPA reasons we encourage you to always join a Piazza class through the integration with Canvas rather than going through
    Screenshot of Account Setup page in Piazza
  6. You will see a screen asking for academic information. Entering your academic information is not required. Continue as follows:
    Screenshot of page where PIazza account is configured
  7. Enter your academic information or click the I'm not pursuing a degree checkbox.
  8. Click the Continue button.
  9. A screen appears, asking you to register for the Piazza Network. 
    Note: Network is a different product offered by Piazza and it IS NOT REQUIRED that you sign up for it. 
      1. If you want to join Network, we highly recommend researching it, because it allows your profile to be viewed by outside organizations.
      2. If you choose to join the Piazza Network, you will be asked to agree to terms of service.
  10. If you choose not to join Network, you will proceed directly to Piazza Q&A.

2b. Create your Account (Instructors)

  1. Enter your estimated enrollment for the course, and click Create Class. This will take you to another course creation screen. 
  2. If you already have created an account with Piazza, simply enter your password.  
    • If not, it will walk you through creating an account. 
  3. After entering our password, click the checkbox to agree to the terms of use, then click Continue.
    Note: UW-Madison has special, institutional-level terms of use in place with Piazza which supersede the on-screen terms of use. These institutional-level Terms of Use are designed to provide protection for student and faculty data and intellectual property.
    Screenshot of Piazza setup page, with "create class" outlined
  4. Instructors will see Piazza launch.
    Note: You do not need to upload your course roster.
  • Students will automatically get added to the Piazza roster as they click on the link in your Canvas course.
  • Also, there is the possibility that a UW student not in your course will sign up for your Piazza course.
  • You should periodically go through the roster in Piazza and remove students who are not in your class in order to protect your students FERPA rights.
    Screenshot of Piazza Network data usage terms

KeywordsPiazza, discussion, discuss, online, Canvas, LMS, Q&A, integration, faculty, instructor, TA, student, activate, getting started, register, use, setting up, setup   Doc ID63736
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2016-05-31 09:52:09Updated2023-12-15 09:19:18
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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