Topics Map > Advanced Content Authoring & Reporting (ACAR) > Storyline

Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Uploading a Storyline module to WordPress/GrassBlade [UW-Madison]

This document covers basic information on uploading a Storyline module to WordPress as part of the content authoring solution.

You will need an account on the WordPress instance used with the content authoring solution to upload your Storyline module published with xAPI to Canvas. If you need a WordPress account, please contact the DoIT Help Desk and let them know you are looking to add Storyline modules to Canvas.

Login to the appropriate WordPress/GrassBlade site for your School or College

If you are a learning technology consultant who would like access to, or creation of, a new site, please contact the DoIT Help Desk. If you already have access:

  1. Login to the Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting Wordpress/GrassBlade site at
    1. If you only have access to one site, WordPress should direct you to the correct School or Department WordPress site, which are:
      If you have access to multiple sites continue below.
  2. In the upper left click My Sites → Network Admin → Sites. A list of WordPress sites you have access to will display.
  3. Mouse over the site you want to enter. A list of options will display.
  4. Mouse over and click Dashboard:
    A screenshot showing a list of multiple WordPress sites setup for the Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting WordPress instance. The mouse cursor is over the text "Dashboard".

Upload your xAPI Content

  1. Click xAPI Content on the left menu.
  2. Click Add New next to xAPI Content.
  3. Add a title for your module.
  4. Scroll down to xAPI Content Details. Click Choose File and select the .zip file of your Storyline module.
  5. Check other options as appropriate for how you plan to use your module. For example:
    - Check Completion Tracking if you plan to use completion tracking.
    - Add a required Passing Percentage.
    - Check Show Results to Users if you want your students to see what score they got.
    Animation showing how to upload your x A P I content.
  6. Click Publish.
  7. Click Pages on the left menu.
  8. Click Add New.
  9. Add a title for your page.
  10. In the rich text editor, add any text you would like to appear before your module.
  11. In the upper right, there is an xAPI Content box. Select your module from the drop-down list and click Update. Ignore the message that pops up that says " says: You can add the shortcode [grassblade] in the content to change the placement of the content." If you use the shortcode, it will break the grade passback.
    Animation showing how to create your Storyline page.

  12. Click Publish to publish the page.
  13. Below the main editing panel is the LTI Information. Copy the LTI Link. You may also want to keep this tab open when you log into Canvas. The LTI link is needed for the next steps in Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Configuring a Canvas assignment to use a Storyline module uploaded to WordPress / GrassBlade [UW-Madison] :
    Screenshot showing the LTI window in WordPress with the LTI link that you'll need to copy and use in the next step.

content, authoring, pilot,learning, locker, record, store, xapi, statements, wordpress, grassblade, plugin, plug-in, grade, canvas, gradebook, assignment, lti, , storyline, adobe, articulate, ACAR 
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