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Canvas - Honors Optional Course Sections [UW-Madison]
Course offerings that are designated in the UW-Madison Course Guide as "% - Honors Optional" automatically receive a Canvas section of students who are enrolled in the course for honors.
These students will also appear in the regular Canvas course sections in which they are enrolled.
The Honors Optional Canvas section is designed to allow instructors the ability to easily manage assignments and grading for students enrolled in the course for honors credit. As students opt in an out of the course for honors credit, their enrollment in the Honors Optional Canvas section will reflect that.
Honors Optional sections in Canvas have HON appended to the section name and SIS ID (e.g. ANTHRO 104:LEC001:HON/1186:14298:HON).
![Honors Optional Sections The Honors Optional section can be seen on the course Sections page. It will be appended with HON](/images/group16/83134/honors.jpg)