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Kaltura - Using "Kaltura Gallery" Course Media Galleries and Analytics in Canvas [UW-Madison]
The Kaltura Gallery (as it's called in the Canvas course menu), or the media gallery is a shared repository of media for a course in Canvas that is visible to all instructors and students within the course. Both instructors and students can contribute media to a Kaltura media gallery.
Using Kaltura media galleries in Canvas requires more advanced setup. We recommend that instructors use course media galleries and the workflow to embed media from course media galleries if the instructor wants aggregated course analytics on how students are viewing and accessing media, or if they would like students to contribute media to it. It may be helpful to have local instructional technologist support to go through these steps.
1. Enable the "Kaltura Gallery" in Canvas
The "Kaltura Gallery" Canvas course navigation item (also known fully as a Kaltura course media gallery) is disabled by default. To enable a Kaltura course media gallery in Canvas:
- From your Canvas course click the Settings course navigation item.
- Click the Navigation tab.
- Scroll until you find the Kaltura Gallery menu option. Click the three dot kabob menu and click on Enable:
- Click the Save button near the bottom of the screen.
- Kaltura Gallery should appear in your Canvas course navigation.
To set your Canvas Kaltura media gallery options: - Click on Kaltura Gallery from your Canvas course navigation.
- Click the Channel Actions button in the upper right and select Edit:
- The Edit Media Gallery screen will display. Here you can:
- Create Media Gallery channel playlists. For more information see - Kaltura - Using Channels in Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison]. The article currently describes channel playlists in MediaSpace but can also be applied to Kaltura Media Gallery playlists in Canvas as well.
- Edit the description of your Canvas Kaltura Gallery / Media Gallery.
- Add tags to your Canvas Kaltura Gallery / Media Gallery.
- Checking Moderate content means that student additions to the media gallery will not appear to other students in the course until you approve it.
- Checking Enable comments in channel allows anyone in the course to comment on each piece of media in the channel.
- Checking Keep comments private to channel makes the comments visible only to people in your Canvas course (as opposed to also in Kaltura MediaSpace for example). We recommend selecting this if media is in more than one channel.
- Checking Display embedded media in this Media Gallerywill add media embedded in your Canvas course to the Kaltura Gallery / Media Gallery.
Do NOT check this option if you have Canvas assignments where students are embedding media as part of their assignment. If you check this box student embedded media will be visible in the Canvas Kaltura Gallery / Media Gallery! - Click Save to save your settings.
- Click Back to Channel to go back the home page of your Canvas Kaltura Gallery / Media Gallery.
More information on enabling and disabling Canvas course navigation options is described in Instructure's guide How do I manage Course Navigation links?
2. Add media to your Kaltura course media gallery
- Click your Canvas course's Kaltura Gallery menu option.
- The Media Gallery screen will display. If you're not on the Media tab, click it.
- Click either the + button or the + Add to Channel button depending on the size of your browser window.
- The Add Media screen will display. Search for or scroll until you find the media item(s) you want to add to your media gallery. Click the checkbox to the left of the media item(s) you want to add to your course media gallery:
- Click the Publish button in the upper right.
- The course Media Gallery screen will display with your newly added media files.
3. Embed media in your Canvas course from the media gallery
Learn@UW-Madison recommends embedding media in Canvas pages and then organized in a module. This way students know exactly what video they are supposed to watch when. Embedding media from your course media gallery in your Canvas course is very similar to how an instructor normally embeds media in a Canvas course with one important change.
- In your Canvas course, go to the Canvas page, discussion post, or quiz discussion you want to embed Kaltura media in. Click Edit.
- Move your cursor to the point in your Canvas item where you want to insert Kaltura media.
- Click the blue V icon to view the More External Tools menu. Select Embed Kaltura Media from the drop-down list:
- A Kaltura Media window will open. This is where the workflow changes from regular embedding of Kaltura Media. Click on Media Galleries at the top and search for or select the course media gallery that you want to embed a media item from:
If the course media gallery that you want to use is not listed, check to see if that course is published. It needs to be published to display here. If you do need to publish your course, it will take 15-30 minutes before it will display as an option. - After you have selected the course media gallery you want to embed media from the Kaltura Gallery screen will display media from that channel.
- Scroll to or search for the media you want to embed. Click the </> Embed button next the media you want to embed:
Optional: If you would like to customize how your media is embedded in Canvas, instead of clicking the </> Embed button, click the gear button. More information on the options available with the gear button are outlined in Canvas - Upload and Embed a New Kaltura Mediaspace Video in a Canvas Page [UW-Madison] . - The video will show up on your Canvas page. You can continue to edit the page and add text if you'd like. Once you're done click the Save button.
- Canvas will display your page with your embedded Kaltura video.
4. Access Kaltura course media gallery analytics
Note: Analytics may not be collected from users running privacy or ad-blocking software unless they whitelist and domains.
Once students have started viewing media in your gallery, or embedded media from the gallery you can access the course analytics. To access the course media gallery analytics:
- Click the Kaltura Gallery Canvas course menu option.
- Click the Media Gallery Channel Actions button in the upper right and select Analytics:
- The Media Gallery analytics screen will display:
- ID: A unique numerical identifier for your Canvas Kaltura media gallery which can be useful when reporting problems to the DoIT Help Desk for troubleshooting.
- Creation date: When your media gallery was created.
- Last update: When your media gallery was last updated. Depending on your browser zoom level, this may be obscured by the "Export" drop-down and has been reported to Kaltura.
- Export: Opens a drop-down menu to export various pieces of your media gallery analytics into CSV files.
- Filter: Various filters to filter your analytics by media type (video, audio, images), entry source, viewing contrext, tags, country, region, or city.
- Date range: You can select from preset ranges (Ex: Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, etc.), a specific date range, or all the analytics gathered since the media entry’s creation. This menu also allows you to compare the analytics in the date range you selected with another date range.
- Highlights: High level analytic data on the usage of media in your course including:
Player Impressions: The number of times the video was displayed in a page or course.
Plays: The number of times someone clicked the play button on the media entry.
Unique Viewers: The number of authenticated viewers who have played the media entry. All anonymous viewers will be counted as a single viewer. All instances where the media entry is embedded using iframe embed code are counted as anonymous viewers.
Minutes Viewed: The total number of minutes that the media entry has been viewed by all viewers.
Contributors: The number of users who have contributed media to the course media gallery. - Category Page Views: The number of times your course media gallery has been viewed.
- Top Videos: A summary of the three most popular videos based on Kaltura's engagement formula. Click See Details to jump down to more detailed information on your top videos.
- Top Viewers: Top viewers based on the user's number of plays. Click See Details to jump down to Category Performance Over Time where you can then expand View Details to see more information on how users are viewing your media gallery content.
- Insights: A summary of Top Location, Most Viewed Domain, and Most Popular Device. Click See Details on each window to jump to a more detailed examination of that data.
- Category Performance Over Time: Displays a graph of the following selectable analytics:
Number of player impressions per day or month
Number of plays per day or month
Unique viewers per day or month
Minutes viewed per day or month
Average completion rate per day or month
Average drop off rate per day or month
Clicking View Details displays a table of information on Users, Entries, or Dates pertaining to the selected category above. - Top Videos: A table ranking your media gallery's most popular videos based on Kaltura's engagement formula. The table includes columns for plays, unique viewers, average completion, and score. The score is based on Kaltura's engagement formula.
- Top Countries: The Top Countries panel ranks the geographical distribution by plays. The heatmap shows the countries, the darker the shade, the more plays for that country. The table ranks the countries by plays and also shows plays distribution compared to total number of plays. You can drill down to region by selecting a country on the map or from the table. Select a region to drill down to cities.
- Devices Overview: The Devices Overview displays the distribution of devices usage by plays. You can see on which device viewers watched the entry.
- Top Domains: The top domains panel requires some technical knowledge of what the domains listed are to interpret. The top domains are ordered by domains that had the most number of plays in the selected time frame. For each domain the following metrics are available:
Player impressions: The number of times the media entry was loaded from that domain
Player impression ratio: The number of plays divided by number of impressions for that domain
Plays: The number of times the media entry was played from that domain
Plays distribution: The number of plays for that domain divided by the total number of plays in the selected timeframe
Minutes viewed: The total number of minutes of views for that media entry for that domain
Average completion rate: Measured by viewer reaching playback quartiles
Import Kaltura course media galleries in Canvas
Normally when a course is taught again, the instructor can use Canvas's Import Course Content function to import material from a previously taught Canvas course as described in Instructure's Guide How do I copy content from another Canvas course using the Course Import tool. This function does not import course media galleries from previously taught courses. Currently users can only import media galleries from previous Canvas courses in which they had a principal instructor or teacher role as described in Kaltura - Known Issue - "Kaltura Gallery" Course Media Gallery Import Only Shows Canvas Courses in Which the User Has the Canvas Role of "Teacher" or "Principal Instructor" [UW-Madison] . To import Kaltura course media galleries into a new Canvas course:
- Make sure the Kaltura Gallery course menu item is activated as outlined above in Enable the Kaltura course media gallery in Canvas.
- Click the Kaltura Gallery Canvas course menu option. The Media Gallery screen will display.
- Click the Media Gallery Channel Actions button in the upper right and select Import:
- The Select the media gallery you want to import entries from window will open. Select the radio button of the course media gallery you want to import and click Import:
- You may see a message about media importing to your current media gallery. Once completed you'll see a message at the top of the screen that says "Importing completed successfully. To refresh the page and view the imported entries, click here." Click on the link to refresh the media gallery or click on the Kaltura Gallery course menu option to refresh the course media gallery. You should see the imported entries.