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HelioCampus AC - Eval Results - Running the Course Evaluation Analysis Report (Admin and Instructor) [UW-Madison]

This document describes how to run the HelioCampus AC Course Evaluation Analysis report. This report can be run by course instructors and by HelioCampus AC administrators.

Running the Course Evaluation Analysis

  1. Log into HelioCampus AC with your NetID credentials.
  2. Select the menu icon in the left corner to open the main navigation menu.
    Menu button

  3. Select Report Dashboard.
    "report library" on the navigation bar is highlighted

  4. Select Course Evaluation Analysis.
  5. Click Reset Parameters to ensure that any old report parameters are cleared out 
  6. Select the appropriate report parameters:
    this is a screenshot of the "report parameters" window, with the parameters listed below

    • Term: Select one or more terms. Note that, if you would like to compare the results of multiple terms, you should run the Course Section Trend Analysis report instead.
    • College: Select the appropriate school or college.
    • Department: Select the appropriate department(s).
    • Course: Search by keyword to select a specific course, or leave blank to search all courses.
    • Faculty: Search by name or leave blank.
    • Survey Type: Leave as All.
    • Aggregate Level: Select the aggregate level that best meets your needs. Note that you will not be able to see instructor-specific results or comments unless you aggregate at the Course or Course Section level.
    • Survey: Select one or more survey.
    • Completed Surveys Only: Leave checked.
  7. Click Run Report.

Viewing the Results of the Course Evaluation Analysis

After running the Course Evaluation Analysis, you can export an overview of the results or view detailed results for a given section.

Overview Page

The course overview page provides the following information:

  • Report parameters
  • Term
  • Survey name
  • Survey start and end Dates
  • College and department
  • Course number and title (if you set the report parameters to aggregate by Course or Course Section)
  • Course section number (if you set the report parameters to aggregate by Course Section)
  • The results of any metric questions for the survey
  • Percentage and number of survey responses
Screenshot of course evaluation analysis overview page

CSV or PDF Export

Export a PDF or CSV file of the full overview by clicking Export and selecting PDF or CSV.

screenshot of parameters for Course Evaluation Analysis

A PDF export will have a similar layout to the overview page. A CSV export will contain the same data in a table format.

Detailed Results

Click the Results link to view the student course evaluation analysis, which includes question-by-question response summaries and graphics.

Button to view results is highlighted

(Note: Results displayed in this image are from a sample report and do not represent an actual survey)

KeywordsAEFIS aphis afis reports results evaluations courses instructor admin student comments   Doc ID93427
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2019-07-29 14:29:01Updated2024-06-20 11:27:12
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