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Piazza - Roster Sync with LTI 1.3 [UW-Madison]

Automatic roster sync allows instructors to easily port over their class roster from their LMS to their Piazza class


You can sync your class roster two ways: automatic roster sync or manual roster sync.

Sync Class Roster With Automated Roster Sync

To use automatic roster sync when creating or linking a course through your LMS:

  1. Add students/instructors to your class roster through your LMS
  2. When creating a Piazza course through your LMS or linking an already existing Piazza course, you will see the option to enable or disable automatic roster sync:
    Image shows radio buttons where you can select "enable" or "Disable" to start auto roster sync
  3. Once the course is created, your roster from your LMS will automatically carry over to your Piazza course.
  4. If you need to add additional students/instructors, you can do so by adding them through the roster in your LMS. Please note that if automatic roster sync is enabled, additional enrollments will only be allowed through your LMS.
    This is the page where you can enroll additional instructors and students

Automatic roster sync will update daily between 5am and 6am Pacific time. If you would like to sync your roster before it automatically updates, please see below for instructions on manually syncing your roster.

Sync Class Roster with Manual Roster Sync

To manually sync your class roster:

  1. Go to the Manage Class tab and select the Sync now button under Class Information.
    Sync Now button is listed under Automatic Roster Sync radio buttons
  2. Your class roster will automatically be synced.

Managing roster sync in Manage Class tab

If your institution allows you to enable/disable roster sync, you will be able to manage the settings in the Manage Class page.

Under Course Information in the Automatic Roster Sync section you can enable/disable roster sync:
Screenshot of "general settings" page, with "automatic roster sync" section highlighted

Behavior to Expect when Using Roster Sync

Below are roster behaviors to know when enrolling users:

If user doesn't have a Piazza account:

  • With a matching school domain OR non-school domain: If user doesn't have Piazza account and is added to roster through LMS, they will be prompted to create a new account

If user has an unactivated Piazza account:

  • With a matching school domain OR non-school domain: If user has an unactivated Piazza account and is added to roster through LMS, they will be prompted to finish activating their account.

If user has an activated Piazza account:

  • With a matching school domain: user is automatically directed to the course
  • With a non-school domain: user is prompted to enter verification code before accessing course in LMS

Keywordscanvas integration grade student class population update lms   Doc ID123560
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2023-01-25 12:25:29Updated2023-02-08 13:22:17
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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