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Honorlock - Student names not matching roster [UW-Madison]

This document discusses an issue in Honorlock that may cause the ID Scan to malfunction.

Honorlock requires a student to show a a government or student ID that matches the current name they have listed in Canvas. During the exam startup process, Honorlock asks the student to hold the ID up to their webcam. Because of this requirement:

  • Some students may be unable to hold their ID in view of their webcam (due to a visual, physical, or other disability).
  • Additionally, students who have recently changed their name or updated their ID photo may encounter difficulty scanning their IDs. This may impact a wide range of people (including some LGBTQ+ students)

If the ID scan fails, Honorlock does not specify the reason the scan has failed. This can cause a usability barrier for the student trying to resolve their ID scan issue. Honorlock will not allow an image of the student’s face to be photographed instead of an ID.


If you know a student has a different name than on their ID, please note this information within the accommodations area in your exam's Honorlock settings. Please include the name that is on the roster as well as the name the student will present on their ID.

HL learner name change class list accurate inaccurate old updated incorrect 
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