Topics Map > Canvas
Topics Map > Piazza
Piazza - Enabling Piazza in Canvas [UW-Madison]
This document describes the steps to enable Piazza in your Canvas course.
Piazza is available in every Course Guide and sandbox Canvas course, but it is hidden from the left-hand navigation bar by default. Follow the steps outlined below to unhide Piazza in your course.
To enable Piazza in your Canvas course:
- Click on Settings in the left navigation bar of your course.
- Once in your course's settings, click the Navigation tab.
- Find Piazza in the list of hidden items.
- Drag and drop Piazza into the upper section of enabled course navigation items. Alternatively, click on the 3 dots next to Piazza and select Enable.
- Once Piazza is enabled, click Save at the bottom of the page.
- Click on Piazza in the left navigation bar of your course.
- If this is the first time you are enabling Piazza in Canvas, you will be prompted to authorize the tool. To do this, fill out the requested information (such as Course Name, Course Term, etc.).
- When you have filled out all the information correctly, click on Create New Piazza Class
Please contact the DoIT Help Desk and request a consultation if you need additional help enabling Piazza in your course.