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Kaltura - How to Get a Link or Embed Code to a Video in MediaSpace [UW-Madison]

This is a tutorial on how to get a link or embed code for media you have access to in Kaltura MediaSpace.

Kaltura's documentation on this topic is available in their document Share and Embed Media.

Locate the Share tab under your media item

  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox and go to Kaltura MediaSpace: If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] .
  2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen and click on My Media.
  3. Search for or scroll until you find the piece of media you want to link to or embed. Click on it.
  4. After the media loads, click the Share tab located underneath the media item:
    A screenshot showing a video in Kaltura with the cursor hovering over the "Share" tab underneath the preview of the video.

Options in Share tab

After selecting the Share tab, you have the following options:

Link to Media Page

To share a link to a video, copy the link listed under Link to Media Page. You can also set the start and end times for the video. To allow recipients access to the video, consider the following publishing settings for your media item:


Embed code can be used to embed a piece of Kaltura media in a website HTML page or other online tool . 

  • Embed code overrides entitlements and publishing settings. 
  • Depending on where you use the embed code, it could make the media public to the world - be thoughtful about where you embed media and what you are embedding. 
  • For information on how to use embed code in your site, please see the documentation for your site or tool.
  1. After you click the Embed tab you can set the start and end times for the video, and select the player and player size from the list of options at the bottom of the sharing tab. 
  2. Finally you can copy the 'Embed Code' and paste it in your own HTML page or other online tool. 


oEmbed code is often used for WordPress and Pressbooks. More information on using oEmbed is available in Kaltura - Embed Media Using oEmbed (WordPress) [UW-Madison]
  1. Click the 'oEmbed' tab and select the player skin and player size from the list of options at the bottom of the sharing tab. 
  2. Finally you can copy the oEmbed link and paste it in your WordPress or Pressbooks page.

Keywordskaltura Mediaspace embed code player share media video media space learn learn@uw post link video media   Doc ID42485
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2014-08-05 10:59:11Updated2024-01-02 12:37:00
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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