Topics Map > Kaltura
Kaltura - MediaSpace Players [UW-Madison]
This document provides information about the Kaltura players at UW-Madison.
Note: The Kaltura players were upgraded on 8/15/24. Full documentation of the new player is available here. The rest of this page is relevant only for videos embedded prior 8/15/24.
Each player section describes features but doesn't replicate information provided above to keep the page from getting too large. Users may find [Link for document 100630 is unavailable at this time] a more useful document for an explanation of the most common Kaltura MediaSpace player controls.
Main video player (25717641)
The "Main video player" is what 95% of users use. It is a player configured to use the most common features:

- Title of media: The entry's name or title.
- Info screen button: Click to see the media's name, when it was uploaded and how many plays it has received, and a description (if you entered one) will appear over the media thumbnail.
- Navigation: Often referred to as the "hamburger" button. If the person who shared the video has designated chapters on the timeline you can search for and click to them from this button.
- Toggle view: This is only available if a user has uploaded a video with a tool like Kaltura Capture which can combine two video streams. If there are two video streams you can toggle between them with the toggle view button.
- Picture in picture: This is only available if a user has uploaded a video with a tool like Kaltura Capture which can combine two video streams. Clicking this button will allow you to change the layout of the two video streams.
- Play/pause button: Click to play or pause the media entry.
- Captions: Captions will display if you have had your video professionally captioned or used Kaltura MediaSpace's machine captioning and editing tools.
- Secondary video: Only available if a user has uploaded a video with a tool like Kaltura Capture which can combine two video streams.
- Timeline with playback head: A visual representation of the duration of the media entry which you can drag the playback head across to advance or reverse to the point in the media you'd like to see.
- Play/pause button: Click to play or pause the media entry.
- Volume control: Click to mute or unmute. When you mouse over the speaker icon it will expand to show you the volume level. You can click the volume level to change the volume.
- Time display: The time on the left indicates where in the video you currently are. The time on the right indicates the total duration of the media entry.
- Closed caption button: Click to turn captions on or off, and to configure options like caption size and color.
- Playback Rate Selector: Click on the "1x" to play the media entry back at a faster or slower rate. The speeds currently available are: 2x, 1.5x, 1.25x, 1x, and 0.5x:
- Source or quality Selector: This menu will only display after having initially played and paused the media entry. The quality offered to viewers depends on the original quality of the uploaded video. If the uploaded video was only 720p, a 1080p video will not be offered. Given that a 1080p video was uploaded, 1080p, 720p, and 360p will be offered. The approximate bandwidths required are also listed. At the top is "Auto", followed by "1080P 1.1 Mbs", "720P .7 Mbps", "720P .4Mbs" and "360P .3Mbs". Kaltura defaults to "Auto" and deliver the highest quality version of a video that both the user's device and bandwidth can handle. Users with slower internet connections may want to consider manually selecting the lowest quality "360P .3 Mbs" source.
- Full-Screen View: Click to make the video go fullscreen.
- UW Logo: Click to go to
Main + download video player (25916071)
The Main + download video player includes all the features from the main video player (above) but also includes a download button in the upper right. Use this player if you want your users to be able to easily download an original copy of your video:

- Download button: Downloads the source file used to create the entry.
Transcript video player
The transcript player includes a transcript widget below the video:

- Search: Type in a search term. The term will highlight in yellow in the script.
- Download button: Click to download a plaintext (.TXT) file of the transcript.
- Print button: Currently does not work. Technologists are investigating.
- Transcript window: Displays the video's transcript. As you play the video the spoken text will highlight. You can also click on a point in the transcript to jump to that point in the video.
Please see Kaltura/Canvas - Using the Transcript Widget in the Kaltura Player [UW-Madison] for more information on using the transcript video player.
Main + share and embed video player (34298521)
The Main + share and embed video player includes all the features from the main video player (above) but also includes a share and embed button in the upper right:

- Share Button: Clicking this button presents you with the Share Screen which contains buttons to share with various social networks, the URL to share a direct link to the video, and the embed code that users can use to embed your video in other spaces or websites.
Main + share and embed + download video player (34298531)
The Main + share and embed + download player is for users who want to enable users to both download their video and share and embed it more widely. It includes all the features from the main video player, the download video player and the share and embed player above:

Main audio player (34303911)
The "Main audio player" is basically the same as the "Main video player". Originally it had some different functionality but the "Main video player" and "Main audio player" have both aligned along the same functionality at this point. We keep it to provide some added flexibility should we want to customize functionality, previous use, and for potential inclusion in Canvas using different, smaller embed sizes. From inside MediaSpace it functions the same as the "Main video player" though:

Main + download audio player (34305091)
The "Main + download audio player" is basically the same as the "Main + download video player". Originally it had some different functionality but the "Main + download video player" and "Main + download audio player" have both aligned along the same functionality at this point. We keep it to provide some added flexibility should we want to customize functionality, previous use, and for potential inclusion in Canvas using different, smaller embed sizes. From inside MediaSpace it functions the same as the "Main + download video player" though:

NOTE: The audio download button is set to download the source file that you uploaded to Kaltura.
Image player (34307761)
The image player has fewer options and controls - no title, no timeline to let the viewer focus on the image. It retains the Info screen button, Fullscreen button, and UW-Madison logo button: