WiscVPN - Installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Mac)

This document describes how to download and install the WiscVPN Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN client on a Mac computer. Palo Alto GlobalProtect supports Mac 32/64 bit Operating Systems.

Note: The newest client (6.3) is not compatible with OS X 10.10 or earlier. Please see Where Can I Download and Install the GlobalProtect App? for more information.

Installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Mac)

Click the following link to download GlobalProtect for Mac:

  1. Open the downloaded file. Proceed through the installation process; you will need to click continue, then continue, then install.
    Installing GlobalProtect
  2. Some users will be prompted with a message saying "System Extension Blocked." In this case, select Open Security Preferences, then select Allow in the following window.

  3. If you are prompted for your password, type it in. It will look like the image below once you have typed in your password. Then select install software.

For information on connecting to the GlobalProtect client, please see WiscVPN - Connecting to the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Mac).

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