TA/LSA Absences, substitutes, and sick leave

This KB describes how TAs and LSAs for the math department can use their sick leave, and the process for being absent from teaching duties, including finding substitutes.


Below, we summarize current L&S and university policies on sick leave and specifically on missing teaching duties as they pertain to Math TA’s.  Note that the most up-to-date version of all Graduate Assistantship policies are in the Graduate Assistantship Polices and Procedures (GAPP) document: https://hr.wisc.edu/policies/gapp/. L&S has a summary of the Leave policies for graduate students with assistantships here: L&S Student Assistant Leave.

It is Math Department policy that TAs/LSAs are not allowed to make the decision to cancel their class if they will be absent, though in rare cases the TA Support Team may decide to cancel a class if another plan cannot be made.

Report all absences

All TAs who are missing teaching responsibilities, regardless of the reason, should report their absence at this form:


This form allows you to report that you are taking sick leave.  For other types of leave (e.g., personal travel, conference attendance, etc), the form creates a record of who is subbing for you.

Taking sick leave

TAs and LSAs who are missing their teaching responsibilities (leading live class meetings) for reasons covered by the sick leave policy (see GAPP) can use their sick leave hours. If they use sick leave hours, the TA/LSA is not required to make up the time, nor to find their own substitute.

To alert us that you are using sick leave, please fill out this form: https://go.wisc.edu/mathtaabsence and choose "Yes" in the question about using sick leave. It is helpful for you to do this as soon as you know you will be unable to attend your class, to give us as much time as possible to find a sub.  The TA Support Team or Department Manager will email you when a sub is found or plan is made regarding your class so that you are aware of what happened in your absence.

If you are sick, you are allowed to find your own sub in order to retain your sick leave for future use, but you are under no obligation to do so.

Covering sick leave

When we need a volunteer to cover a discussion section for a sick leave, an email will be sent to all current department TAs. If you volunteer to cover a sick leave sub request, you may NOT ask the TA missing class to sub back for you or cover your MLC hours.

TAs can choose to sub for a sick leave request during a time when they would have been in lecture, or they can request to reduce their MLC hour requirement by one hour for each class covered. MLC reductions can be requested at the time the coverage is arranged. MLC reductions can possibly be credited toward a future semester, if the sub has no MLC requirement this semester or has already completed their MLC requirement for this semester.

**Sick leave subs without an MLC requirement are encouraged to share ideas for repayment with Cassie and Janine!**

LSA sick leave coverage needs will be emailed to all current and former LSAs. Subs for LSAs must have LSA experience.


If you find that you are unable to teach at the last minute (within 4 hours of your first class), please fill out the form (https://go.wisc.edu/mathtaabsence) AND email mathtasupport@math.wisc.edu. If we cannot find a sub in time and must cancel your class, we will do our best to communicate the situation with your students and lecturer in a timely way.

Other leave

TAs and LSAs who will miss their teaching responsibilities (leading live class meetings or proctoring) either for reasons not covered by the sick leave policy (see GAPP) or who have chosen not to take sick leave are responsible for:

  • notifying their lecturer/supervisor/coordinator about their absence(s);
  • finding all sub(s) and reporting them via the form;
  • and arranging a repayment if needed. (For example, a TA/LSA could sub back for their sub, cover some of their sub's MLC hours, etc.) The TA Support Team does not help manage this step.

This includes, for example, a TA/LSA who is traveling to a conference. You can always reach out to Janine Janoski, Cassie Williams, and Qin Li if you have questions. (mathtasupport@math.wisc.edu)

How to find a sub

If you are seeking a sub, we encourage you to take the following steps (in order).

1. Reach out directly to the other TAs teaching for your particular lecturer, as this will be the least disruptive for the students.

2. Reach out to TAs teaching other sections of the same course.

3. Email all current TAs using math_dept_ta@g-groups.wisc.edu.  (If you are a graduate student in the math department, you could also email graduate@math.wisc.edu.)

If you still are unable to find a find a sub at this point, then you can reach out to mathtasupport@math.wisc.edu and let us know. Even in cases where sick leave is not being used, we sometimes help find subs.  


1. All subs must be current math department employees. (Someone who was an LTTA in a past semester but is not currently working for our department may not sub or cover MLC hours. However, someone employed as an RA in the math department may sub.)

2. LSAs should first try to find a sub from within their own course. If no one is available, you can contact all current and past LSAs at math-lsas@g-groups.wisc.edu. A TA who has never been an instructor should NOT sub for an LSA's class.

Swapping MLC hours for subbing

Here's how to manage someone else covering your MLC hours in exchange for subbing. For example, suppose Person B subbed for Person A (for non-sick leave), and Person A will cover two hours of Person B's MLC hours in exchange.

1. The person whose MLC shift is being covered (Person B) should fill out the MLC Drop-in Shift Swap form: https://forms.gle/Apm7d1p8c8mJunyv6

2. The person covering the MLC shift (Person A) should register for the extra shift(s) in W2W as usual.

3. The person whose MLC shift is being covered (Person B) will be credited for the corresponding hours manually in our spreadsheet.

If the person covering the MLC shift does not have an active account in W2W, they should email Ian Seong (TADM) and Tracii Friedman (MLC Director).

Long term Absences

In cases of longer-term absences (2 or more class days): please contact your lecturer, Janine Janoski, Cassie Williams, and Qin Li.  These are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Absences for Proctoring

Proctoring all exams, including the final exam, is a required component of all TA/LSA jobs. 

If you will miss a midterm for a planned conflict (like conference travel or an event in Madison), inform your lecturer/coordinator at least two weeks in advance (and as soon as you know). Your instructor will determine, based on room assignments, whether you need to provide a substitute proctor for the exam.

Sometimes when there is a known absence, the proctoring can be arranged so that the person missing an exam proctors a makeup exam instead, or proctors "double" on a different exam to make up the hours. (The TA Support Team can help instructors with proctoring arrangements if things are complicated.)

The math department does not expect you to proctor when you are sick. If you are unable to proctor any exam for a reason that could be covered by sick leave (check GAPP), inform your lecturer/coordinator immediately and cc mathtasupport@math.wisc.edu. You do NOT need to provide a replacement proctor, proctor a makeup, or proctor "extra" if you take sick leave hours.

Planned absences for the final exam would be very unusual and require prior approval by the TA Supervisor (Qin Li). You are expected to proctor the final exam. Do not make travel plans before the date your lecturer/coordinator has told you without approval.


We are hoping to add a Frequently Asked Questions section. If you have a question, please send it to mathtasupport@math.wisc.edu and we will do our best to answer it, either via email or by putting an answer up here.

TA, absence, sub, sick leave 
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Owned by:
Cassie W. in UW Math Department
UW Math Department