Research Computing - Restricted Data Storage

MERIT and WCER IT staff can advise you on appropriate campus storage options for your restricted data.

Restricted Data

MERIT and WCER Technical Services are here to help you securely store and access your restricted research data. Restricted data (like HIPAA or PCI data) require special controls be in place on both the server and the endpoint to comply with laws and policy. See the campus guide for handling sensitive and restricted data:

We recommend ResearchDrive for securely storing your restricted research data. Benefits include:

  • Approved for hosting restricted data
  • No/Low cost - 25 TB free, additional storage at $120 per TB per year
  • On campus, permanent secure storage
  • PI and/or IT controls data access
  • Self-service file restores

Getting Started

Principle Investigators should request their drive from DoIT. MERIT and WCER IT staff will be notified and connect with you to confirm data classification and setup your computer endpoint. Here are the steps:
  1. PI fills out ResearchDrive request form, indicating
    • data classification type
    • IT contact name as "MERIT/WCER"
    • IT email address as ""
  2. MERIT or WCER IT staff will receive a copy of your survey and reach out directly to confirm your data classification and secure your computer endpoint.
  3. DoIT provisions the storage for your use.

For a complete overview see, "ResearchDrive - Getting Started."

Additional Help

Please contact for additional assistance.

researchdrive, restricted, phi, hipaa, data, sensitive, research, storage 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jackson K. in MERIT
MERIT, School of Education